
What is inflation?

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What is inflation?




  1. Inflation is defined as a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase.

  2. Inflation is when money losses its ability to purchase items.

    EX: in 1950 a soda may have cost a nickle (IDK)

    Today that same soda will cost you $1.49

    Inflation is almost always occuring.

    In the US the anual inflation is about 4%

    this means that for every one dollar you have that lies on you dresser for one year or that doesn't get intrest, you lose four cents worth of value.....

    So 100 dollars are now worth 96 dollars.

  3. Inflation is when money loses its value. When inflation happens, it takes more money to buy the same stuff.

  4. inflation occurs when price levels generally rise as a result of an increase in demand or decrease in supply.  inflation is good; it shows that the economy is growing. currently we are experiencing inflation because republicans have been lowering interest rates

  5. increase in price of every thin
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