It's a bit long. If you don't want to read, than don't answer. First of all I consider myself a smart person for my age. I'm 17. I've taken IQ tests online and last time I checked it was 128. Though I don't really believe a test can confirm how intelligent I am because those tests are biased. It was just to give me an idea.
I've been thinking about what intelligence really is. Is it the ability to come up with answers quickly? Is it the ability to use big words? Is it using your brain to think about things more often? Or is it to understand things very quickly? I know that there is such thing as multiple intelligences. I'm talking about how we define people. Some people are considered intelligent and others are considered dumb. I know I can call some of my classmates dumb because of the way they act.
I consider myself smart and them dumb because I don't start any of my sentences with "omg dude I got so wasted last weekend!!!". Also I do the best I can in my classes and want to learn new things. It's kind of funny because I'm talking about one guy in particular who tried to use a word without knowing the meaning and my drama teacher, who also happens to be an english teacher corrected him. He was embarrassed and it was so funny. I'll admit I didn't know the meaning to the word but I won't try to claim I do at least.
Is there really an exact definition of intelligence? If I happen to finish tests last, does that make me dumb? If I take a long time to think of an answer, does that mean I'm dumb? I know so many questions. If I were to define intelligence, I would define it as excelling what your best at and being a good person. Can I truly be considered intelligent?