
What is intelligence exactly?

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It's a bit long. If you don't want to read, than don't answer. First of all I consider myself a smart person for my age. I'm 17. I've taken IQ tests online and last time I checked it was 128. Though I don't really believe a test can confirm how intelligent I am because those tests are biased. It was just to give me an idea.

I've been thinking about what intelligence really is. Is it the ability to come up with answers quickly? Is it the ability to use big words? Is it using your brain to think about things more often? Or is it to understand things very quickly? I know that there is such thing as multiple intelligences. I'm talking about how we define people. Some people are considered intelligent and others are considered dumb. I know I can call some of my classmates dumb because of the way they act.

I consider myself smart and them dumb because I don't start any of my sentences with "omg dude I got so wasted last weekend!!!". Also I do the best I can in my classes and want to learn new things. It's kind of funny because I'm talking about one guy in particular who tried to use a word without knowing the meaning and my drama teacher, who also happens to be an english teacher corrected him. He was embarrassed and it was so funny. I'll admit I didn't know the meaning to the word but I won't try to claim I do at least.

Is there really an exact definition of intelligence? If I happen to finish tests last, does that make me dumb? If I take a long time to think of an answer, does that mean I'm dumb? I know so many questions. If I were to define intelligence, I would define it as excelling what your best at and being a good person. Can I truly be considered intelligent?




  1. its the ability to be have brains ;)

  2. my theory is this, intelligence is level of complexity of abstract thought.

    imagine you were shown quickly 3 dots on a page. you saw it in the blink of an eye. and then someone asked you 'how many dots did you see?' you could answer 3.

    now imagine the same thing, except on the page there are 49 dots. you couldn't answer. you would say 'many'. you could come with a rough answer but not a precise one.

    the human brain cannot understand 50 without language, without numbers, without counting.

    but understanding 3 precedes language. you will notice that in many numbering systems, the older ones especially. the first 3 symbols are usually that number of something. like roman numerals, 1,2,3, vertical bars. never more than that. chinese numbers same but horizontal bars.

    this is what i would call abstract thought. i think intelligence is the level of complexity one can understand without language, the level of complexity of abstract thought.

    this makes things easier to understand. with every word, one ascribes a definition, an abstract definition. the more complex your abstract thought the more complex your definition can be.

    this allows for a larger, more precise vocabulary, because one can distinguish definitions more precisely one from the other.

    it also makes things easier to understand, because for one something seems too complicated, for another it seems simple, easily within the boundaries of abstract thought.

    for one they must be taught multiplications, taught the idea, the concept. to others, it is clear and exists even before being taught, the teaching was just giving a name to what was already obvious.

    everybody says or does dumb things. everybody misunderstands definitions, makes errors. how fast you finish a test depends on how much you studied.

    some might complete a math test quickly and be less smart, because they studied. another might be smarter and take longer because they never studied at all and are figuring out how to do the math from scratch as though it was brand new to them.

    it's really tough i think to judge intelligence based on things like that, the words people use, the speed they accomplish things. there are too many unknown variables. that's why IQ tests are flawed also.

    it is like: would you measure someone's height by judging how good they are at basketball?

    you wouldn't be very accurate if you did. though being tall is indeed a helpful attribute when it comes to that sport.

  3. I think it's a combination of memory, ability to reason and the depth of your reasoning, your ability to be objective (see both or all sides of an argument). There are also many different types of intelligence: such as being street-wise, creative intelligence, linguistic intelligence, scientific intelligence..etc.. I think that saying "omg dude I got so wasted last weekend" would suggest a lack of intelligence only because the person isn't using proper English (which could mean that their vocabulary is limited) and they got wasted because they are easily entertained (where as a smarter person might have read a book or watched the stars and Also the fact that they think it's interesting enough to share with others could mean their perception isn't so great!  

  4. I believe intelligence is more than having vast knowledge stored in your brain. I believe it to be having complete or high awareness of your surroundings and people you encounter.

    When an intelligent person conversates---they dont need to use illustrious vocabulary, they pay close attention to what the person he/she is speaking to is saying--and are able to understand through the words, facial expressions, demeanor what they mean. The intelligent person is attentive and respectful towards others and are able to retaliate in a conversation with close regard for the subject.

    That is why I believe people who dont pay attention to others or in class are rude, lazy, and are just unable and unwilling to comprehend!

    A good example in your drama class is the guy who used a word without knowing what it meant---means that he was unaware of the word's meaning as well as the idea that he could become embarrassed.

    I know a ton of people who can't even hold a conversation because they like to talk about themselves way more than listening to others---and that makes them vain and kinda dumb. I believe that intelligent people are more attentive because they know they can learn from others.

    Being aware is important! Sure you can have a genius person who knows every mathematical equation or can recite Aristotle---but its not intelligent if this person cares not to listen to others because they feel others have nothing to offer---- or rides the bus at night writing equations on a $3000 laptop waiting to get mugged. Does that make sense?

    And if you take tests last or you take your time thinking of an answer ---you are not dumb. I think its intelligent because you are aware that certain questions might need certain answers and you want to make sure you get right ---not cause you straight up dont know. And if you are a long test-taker ---that means you are wise to use all your time to do your best--people dont like being the last one---because they dont want OTHERS to think they are dumb---which is dumb!

  5. I don't think that intelligence can truly be defined because it is all a matter of interpretation, but in my opinion I believe that the truly smart people are the ones that push beyond the boundaries of only themselves. If it comes natural to you to surpass what others find difficult, intellectually; then it's just like being born just happen to reach a level of status  within an era you're in, but that's only my opinion. ;)

  6. There is no completely accurate definition of what intelligence is.  Being rather intangible, it can neither be seen or touched.  It can be tested sort of, but most measures are really ratios of ones age group and ones knowledge.  Some people consider intelligence to be an ability to solve complex problems, others think of it as the ability to use and understand words and numbers, both very abstract concepts when you think about it.  The opposite of intelligent is not dumb.  Dumb means unable to speak.  The opposite of intelligent would be best said to be unintelligent or perhaps even stupid.

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