
What is involved in a hit and run?

by  |  earlier

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ok well the other night I accidently hit a parked car and my airbag popped out I got scared and ran to a friends house and left my car there. When I came back cops were there and my car was being towed. I then came home and slept on it bc I was nervous and shaken up about my new car. What is the penalty or what will happen. I have no past criminal record and I am an out of state plates and license from where it occured




  1. jail time was you drunk?

  2. Simple, go and surrender and speak the truth , but please please inform a lawyer first , do not involve the friend , please face the music, it will make you more strong in mind for future. go ahead , after  all cops are also human being, God bless you.

  3. your screwed. they will put out a warrant for your arrest and you will go to jail. turn yourself in; they know where you live, they've got your car.  

  4. I don't know why you would have left the scene..

    You're looking at at least a large fine, and possible jail time.

  5. >>  I got scared and ran to a friends house and left my car there. When I came back cops were there and my car was being towed.

    How did they find you. That is strange.


    Anyway hit and run is an offense punishable by short prison sentence.  But often you get off with heavy fine and strong probation.

    Good luck...

  6. I suggest to you go to the police now.  Tell them the honest truth, that you were scared and didn't know what to do and you panicked and ran.  I think they would be more lenient on you if you came to them then if they have to track you down.

  7. d**n thats a hard one mate

  8. im pretty shure this would not be a hit and run, first of all u left ur car there leaving identification on the vehicle and it was your own friend too, usually a hit and run is where a person is walking along on a cross walk and somebody mows them down with their car and then just drives away, i think its the same if u also hit another car and try to run i still think its a hit and run.... pluss i think ur friend would have to press charges to for it to be cosidered a hit and run

  9. You left the scene of an accident that was your fault. That's "hit and run". Call them and tell them what happened, now ! The longer you wait the worse it will be.

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