My brother's girlfriend has reported that her father has been physically and mentally abusive. My brother called children and youth, and she now has a caseworker and her father is being investigated. I had nothing at all to do with this, and I got a notarized letter in the mail stating that I may not come on their property or call their home. My brother got a similar letter, as well. I don't understand why I received a letter. I was not involved in the situation until now. I have a degree in social work, and my brother has spoken of me as a "social worker," but I work in vocational rehab, nothing to deal with youth. Maybe he is afraid I have some sort of special powers or abilities? I do see this action as an attempt to isolate her from those who are close to her and who could help her. He forbids her from seeing anyone, and has threatened to force her to quit her job if he catches my brother visiting her at work. She has now asked me if I could possibly be her foster parent, so she can get out of the house. I don't know all of the facts about the situation, I do want to help her but I am unsure of what will happen and what part I will play. I will open my home to her if she needs somewhere to go. I am only 23 years old, and not yet married (but will be Sept 20). Any suggestions or knowledge in this area?