
What is involved in getting a dental flipper?

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Thinking of getting one for a missing canine. I have anxiety with the dentist..can you tell me what is involved in getting one? What can I expect...will it hurt..or take a long time??




  1. First of all, if you're anxious,  have them call you in a prescription

    for a mild sedative, like valium or something, to take the edge off.

    If your canine tooth is missing and the space is totally empty, then

    treatment is easy.  They take a dental impression (it's a metal or

    plastic tray full of gooey stuff, like thick pudding, that lets them

    make an exact model of your teeth.)  then they send the impression

    to the lab, and the lab makes the flipper, which is very easy to wear.

    Usually the lab time is less than 2 weeks.  It won't hurt.  If you have

    a baby tooth in the space with no perm. tooth under it, then they

    extract the tooth, (won't hurt cause you'll be numb,) then wait a couple weeks for the extraction site to heal, then make the flipper as

    described above.  

  2. I had one made while waiting for a dental implant to heal. Its super easy and does not hurt. They make a mold o you mouth with glue type stuff and sent it to a lab to get your toolth made. It took them 2 days to get mine done and you just put a little poly grip on it and put it in and I sleep with mine in and get up take it out brush my teeth and soak that in cleaner and put it back in. Now you will have a little trouble adjusting to it but thaat lasts a day or so just try to talk as muh as you can with it in so it isnt hard to talk with it in.

  3. If there is enough space in between your missing tooth and the gum is in good shape,  all the dentist will have to do is take an impression with little or no grinding.  The lab will make your flipper from the impression. About 2 weeks.  

    For something that will look better and last longer,  try a bridge or implant

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