
What is ionic bond??

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What is ionic bond??




  1. It is a bond between ions of opposite charge (e.g. between Na+ and Cl- in NaCl crystals). Ionic bonds are formed due to electrostatic attraction of ions

  2. An ionic bond is an electrical attraction between two oppositely charged atoms or groups of atoms. Normally, atoms are neutral and have no charge. However, in order to gain stability they will sacrifice their neutrality by either losing one or more of its outermost electrons thus becoming a positive ion (cation) or they will gain one or more electrons thus becoming a negative ion (anion). Elements that are described as "metallic" tend to lose electrons and elements that are described as "non-metallic" tend to gain electrons. Once this has happened then the resulting charged atoms will attract each other. That electrical attraction between two oppositely charged ions is referred to as an ionic bond. Most salts are ionic. Any metal will combine chemically with any non-metal to form ionic bonds that hold the molecule together.

  3. There are 4 types of bondings. Matalic which is between metals. Covalent which is between non metals. And ionic which is between a metal and a non metal. The metal gives an electron away to the non metal. So because the metal gives an electron, it is possitively charged and the non metals gains an electrons so it is negatively charged. Because unlike charges attract, the 2 elements attract each other and is bonded. Ionic bonding is the second strongest bonding after covalent. In an ionic compound, it is usually a good conductor of electricity.

    Examples are Common Salt , NaCl

    Also ionic compounds are all salts. Its just that we are familiar with salt as NaCl sodium Chloride.

    Hope i helped.
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