
What is is called when you don't eat meat, but you do eat sea food?

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I remember my friend calling it something, but I forget what... if there is even a real title for it.




  1. She may have called it "pescetarianism".

    Don't be confused, "pescetarianism" is not in any way related to vegetarianism.

    Vegetarians do not eat animals: exothermic, endothermic or other.

  2. Gone phishing...;...

    The rest will answer...

  3. Pescetarian

    Pescetarianism -

    Definitions of Pescetarian -

    Other words are Pesco-vegetarian, Pescevegetarian, Vegequarian

    Different types of vegetarians -

  4. The word is Pescetarian.

    This is NOT a type of vegetarian diet, contrary to popular belief.

    Within the vegetarian community you are considered vegetarian if you are one of the following four types:


    Plant based diet ONLY - no animal products, honey, rennet, or chemical food agents used to produce foods such as lycein (red dye derived from a beetle)

    Ovo-lacto vegetarian:

    No animal products, eggs and dairy products okay. Most prefer to purchase organic and/or free range.

    Ovo vegetarian:

    No animal products, no dairy, eggs okay.

    Lacto vegetarian:

    No animal products, no eggs, dairy okay.

    There are NO other types of vegetarians.

    Macrobiotics consume a mostly vegetarian diet, however they consume small amounts of fish.

  5. It's not any type of vegetarian as no type of vegetarian eats any dead animals.  Some use the term "pescetarian" but it's in no way a vegetarian.

  6. pescetarian  OR pesco-vegetarian OR

    vegequarian (rarely used)

  7. its called not eating meat but eating sea food.  there isnt an acctual title for that

  8. Omnivore

  9. Pescetarian - No animal consumption, with the exception of fish.

    Pollotarian - No animal, with exception of poultry / fowl.

    Ovo vegetarian - No animal, but eggs are OK.

    Lacto vegetarian - No animal, but dairy (milk, cheese) is OK.

    Vegan - No animal, dairy, eggs, NOTHING!

  10. "I don't eat any meat except for seafood."  There is no word, that's what you tell people.

  11. It is called eating slaughtered fish. Fish it meat! If it was alive and now it's dead it's flesh. You can't say that you don't eat meat if you consume fish. Flesh is flesh.

    Sure, people will tell you that it has a special name, but basically you are an omnivore. I can't understand why people feel the need to give themselves these weird labels. Pescetarianism is in no way related to vegetarianism. Vegetarians eat no meat!

    There is no difference between animals. If it is living, it has a central nervous system and feels pain, lonliness, and fear. Fish are either produced in squalid factory farms or dragged from the sea and suffocated to death. They do not live, or die more compassionately then their warm-blooded bretheren.

    Fish contains mercury, anti-biotics, and everything else that other types of meat have. Good Luck!

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