
What is it, global climate change or global warming?

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Local weather where I live for this year was the coldest in 10 years and that goes for most places on in the northern hemisphere, I cannot comment on the southern hemisphere. No one can predict the weather with great accuracey more than a week out but we are supposed to believe (have faith in, like religious people) what a few politically driven individuals say. An astroid or a volcano could unpredicatably change our weather for 100 years or more but yet we are going to save our planet by changing light bulbs and using less toilet paper. Here is a link about late snow fall in Canada:




  1. There you are, starting to cathc on to the hoax.

  2. You don't have to believe anything. Feel free to examine the SCIENTIFIC facts and make an informed decision. Science, unlike faith, can be tested empirically. I suggest you do so and then speak from a knowledge base rather than respouting political drivel.

  3. They keep changing their story whenever their lies are exposed.  Back in the 1970s it was "global cooling" where the enviros claimed that we were causing an ice age (it was even on the cover of Time and Newsweek), then when that prediction was debunked "global warming" became the scare du jour, now that the earth is cooling again they talk about "climate change" in an effort to cover their bases.  I'm quite certain that if temperatures remain unchanged for a couple of years they'll claim that "climate stasis" will doom us all.

  4. "what a few politically driven individuals say"

    OR a majority of scientist who have spent their lives devoted to this research?

    Also, if you followed it at all, rather than just making up your own mind that it ISN'T true  (based on what a few politically driven individuals say), you would know that the warming in some places can lead to unusually cold weather, not to mention exceptional precipitation in others - i.e. rain & snowfall.

  5. First, No country or no scientist knows what it is. Believe me scientists know not even a billionth part of what should have been known.

    This is climate change and is erratic in nature because of various things that man should have not done. This is not automatic, we are shaping our destiny. in India where I live, animal and plant species have been decimated in past 20 years because of irresponsible and idiotic policies of government. This has resulted in severe climate change (NOT GLOBAL WARMING). Can you believe 90% indians live in 0 degree to 50 degree tempreture range and do all their jobs, but now it is becoming worse and worse.

  6. Please refer this http://savetheglobefromwarming.blogspot....

  7. I like what you are saying and agree with quite a few points there, for me it's climate change because (I think) that it will drastically change weather cycles across the planet and therefore giving unpredictable seasons.

    Whilst we as individuals cannot stop a comet, we can make a difference individually to our own production of waste and pollution which is important to accept.

  8. Global climate change and global warming is just a theory, so far, it has backed up by some hard data and there is a growing suspicion that there is a truth to it. The speeding up of this process could, indeed be due, to such hothouse gases such as methane. It can also be occuring  in nature. My problem is, it is ONLY a theory, but it's being taught like it's a fact, this is a problem and I don't like it  They mentioned that there is more snow and reforming of the glaciers this past winter, and if this is true, then we are  just  speeding up the process. I believe that we are in the natural warming trend which we are speeding up by admitting hothouse gases within the last hundred years or so.

    Recycling is another thing all in itself, it is helpful to the environment, and it leaves a nice clean planet for our children and great-grandchildren and so on. It is true that the resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. So it only makes common sense to recycle things and save the environment. There can be a balance between nature and man reached, if we try.

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