
What is it, that apparently is gonna be the cause of the end of the world on 26th November 2007?

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What is it, that apparently is gonna be the cause of the end of the world on 26th November 2007?




  1. Oh man, is the world going to end *again*?

    I hate it when that happens.

  2. November 26th? Been hearing a few rumours nowadays but got no idea where this date comes in. Anyway considering humans have been round a few million years then take a look at us now then some of these doomsday predictions are pretty close don't ya think? I think it's the word doomsday that confuses people. You see the world is definitely dying unfortunately and now we have evidence of this nowadays through climate change on such a large scale. So instead of the doomsday where the world ends in one day, we have what I would call the lead up to the eventually so called doomsday. Get my point? So something that creeps is harder to spot unless an asteroid does slam it's self into our planet and even that scientists say something like every 200 million years this takes place. And guess what? Yeah we're in fact over due for the next. Wow did you know if an asteroid did slam into our sea it would create a tidal wave equal to 13.000 feet! Yeah the same as an airliner's average flight height.

    It would take just one huge volcano to errupt to block out the sun rays and another fact this did happen 1816 - The Year without a Summer.

    My point is this: 60 years back we had little to no knowledge of our planet realy but as we progress with finding new things out we realise even more the Earth is and has been since the creation always on a thin thread. Especially with nukes in people's hands cause don't forget they've been used 2 times already not forgetting the tests. Yeah doomsday if you look carefully is preparing itself in a sence and I'm no religious person but I suppose 666 the devil's number is more real to me than ever...

  3. The Aztec's thought that it was 2012.

    Notrodamus worked out that it was 1999.

    A nun thought the world would end when Schumacher-Levi 9 hit Jupiter.

    The Romans, Chinese, and numerous others thought the appearance of Halley's comet foretold the destruction of the Earth.

    Guess What?  They were ALL wrong.

    We'll have to wait for 26/12/2007 and for 2012 to occur, but guess what.  It'll be another damp squib for all the idiots who believe.

    If you're a believer in this or other End of the World predictions, Just go and get a life!



    The Millennium will begin in 33 days!!

  5. i hate it when people say the world is gonna end on a certain date.  these people obviously believe that the sun is watching our every movement and is gonna throw a temper tantrum and explode.  why the heck would someone even suggest something like this without any sort of evidence?  if we knew that an asteroid the size of new york was going to smash into the pacific ocean, then we would have every right to say the world is going to end on that date.  this is just ridiculous.  earth is going strong until humans kill it, or a comet crashes into us.

  6. o man y does it has to be 26 i mean y not 25 december or on the easter or any other day like that y 26



  7. Wonderful, another date for the "end of the world" calendar.

    We have December 2012, August 2034, and then there was some grumblings about May 2066 (but that may have been a hoax).  Now we have November 26 this year.

    Something else to look forward to not happening.

  8. News to me.

  9. Works for me, I didn't have anything planned for that day.

  10. Somebody is gonna finally find Waldo!

  11. that will be about 1 month after the Cubs win the World Series, h**l would have frozen over, and there will no longer be a need to exist, but I wouldnt bet on any of these events happening.....if I'm wrong I will admit it

  12. This eschatological nonsense is getting a little old. People have been claiming that the world is in imminent danger of ending probably since prehistory and it's still here. Yeah, society will probably eventually collapse, but that's only a new beginning.

  13. Rise of the Zombie Spacktards ?

  14. Haven't heard that one yet.  But my money is on George Bush!! He just can't stop messing up the world!

  15. Gordon Brown will call and election and you'll vote BNP.

  16. Im not sure where you heard this prediction, but I am sure like the 800 other "end of the world" predictions made this year (600 of which were made by the Jehova Witnesses), the day will probably come and pass uneventfully.

    A search on the net showed me one blog about scientists performing an experiment with creating a black hole here on earth (which would not be possible as they would need more mass than is available on earth.) and that the band "Doomsday Clock" will be playing in ohio on that day with "Smashing Pumpkins".  This could be the cause of the end of the world.

  17. Rosie O'Donnell, "The Oprah", and Starr Jones will all dine at the same Golden Corral at the same time. Their combined weight will tear a hole in the space-time continuum, thus destroying the solar system.

  18. The US government will finally legalize but, heavily tax pot smoking as a recreational drug, but, not during working hours. Mandatory and regular testings will further infuriate these people in substantially heavier protests. Illegal aliens will join with them triggering Martial law and wide spread violence and looting.

  19. When are we gonna stop hearing about predictions of dates for the end of the world? I don't know about you guys but I'm tired of waiting!!! lolol

  20. OH NO!  That means Walmart will be so busy November 25th, so no early Christmas shopping on that day!

  21. At least we will go with a full stomach.

    Wait, my ouija board says that the date you mentioned only pertains to you and the world ending for you on that date. It doesnt end for anyone else.

    Everyone knows the world is ending in 2012.

  22. Great, that'll save me money on Christmas!

  23. They're gonna take American Idol off the air?

  24. All the stupid people are gonna rush over to the side of the earth God is supposed to be coming to first, and the whole world is gonna tip over!

  25. "There are 2 things that are infinite the universe and HUMAN STUPIDITY, i'm not sure about the former"....seemed fitting

  26. Oh man, I have a hair appointment on the 27th.

  27. I believe that is when Pinky and the Brain finally manage to take over the world. That's the end of the world as we know it.

  28. I don't know but....

    Treat every day like it's the last day of your life....because one'll be right!

  29. My 40th Birthday bash on the 21st - I may as well make it a week long party now eh!

  30. The Trolls will finally inherit Yahoo Answers..

  31. Y Don't u tell us?

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