
What is it about BURNING SAGE THAT.......????

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Clears all of the bad vibes and spirits out of your house?

Is it that they hate the smell?




  1. My girlfriend and her family use it and it seems to work, they also have a shaman as a relative. But why exactly ? To them its sacred to their beliefs and so has the divine power of their faith behind it. For others, not so sure but it stinks up the house really good.

  2. Burning Sage (actually either smudging the sage ashes or using the smoke) is a very old tradition probably developed from an actual effect (like keeping insects away and then less people dying).

    It's use today is mainly ceremonial and could be said to be based on the power of belief (for instance having an item blessed at church or with holy water) that negative energies will be cleared away. In the same sense if I believed this about a carrot (less likely as there is no tradtion behind it) I could accomplish the same thing with a carrot or holy water or a holy wafer or a sugar pill (the placebo effect).

    On another track it could be a final sign (like turning off the lights and going to bed when a friend has stayed too long) for a spirit that he/she has overstayed their welcome.

    So, one is positive thinking (killing bad vibes with good) and the other is a social signal.

    I have included llinks if you actually wish to understand the depth of your question.

  3. yes, it is an armoa they don't like. nor do they like the wordings that go with it.

  4. the smell is divine

  5. they run from a burning house, because they know an idiot waving around a branch of sage is going to start one!

  6. It's a native American belief that Sage clears away evil spirits. The same is held in many pagan religions, so I imagine it's just that it's consider to have cleansing properties.

    The fact that religions/beliefs from more than one place have come up with the idea of burning sage to cleanse an area does suggest a certain amount of truth to the idea though!

  7. Yes, have you ever smelled burning sage it isn't very pleasant

  8. Bad spirits can not see through the smoke is thicker then regular smoke is in the spirit world and so get confused and the smell disorientates them.  They don't like it because its too strong.  I never believed this though.

  9. it's an old wives tale, so it must be regarded with lots of reserves.

    it is a good medicinal plant, tho; not to mention its use in the mediterranean cuisine.

    as for the old indians, i suspect they used the smoke for its hallucinogen properties, trance etc., not to chase spirits away.

  10. I am curious to know how spirits can smell without a nose.

    Burning anything is just an empty gesture done to convince the person burning it that he/she is doing something to rid his/her home of perceived evil spirits that aren't really there.

  11. Well, they say its the smell of the burning sage, it's the smoke, but I think it's also the intention set behind the smoke and the spiritual properties of associated with the sage, the spiritual energy in it, white sage has a very wonderful energy to it, a very "light" energy. I always hear my angels say that the only thing you really need to chase away bad light. Light as in goodness, or God/Christ. "Bring in the light to chase away the darkness" is what they say.

  12. Smudging or burning sage is used as a part of a cleansing ritual.  It may be used in a residence or business, but can also be used of objects that appear to have paranormal issues.  Cleansing rituals are used for a variety of reasons, mostly to rid an object or property of negitive aspects.

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