
What is it about Canada that lets it have less infant mortalities than Chile?

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Canada has about 5 infant mortalities, while Chile has about 8 or 9.




  1. Standards of pre- and post-natal nutrition, education, health care, and support are significantly higher in Canada.

  2. maybe it's government sponsored health care, or a thriving economy. Canada is a much richer country than Chile is.

  3. Well, Chile as a whole is just coming out of a time when they were a developing nation and their social services such as health care and gov't assistance is not as developed as Canada's yet. It's getting there and they've broken into what the WHO considers to be a developed nation but not at the level Canada is yet.

    That, and poverty is more visible there still. The larger cities are quite developed and social service accessible but the rural areas are still behind.

    There could be other reasons but that's all I can think of from my PoliSci and History classes.

  4. We are fortunate in Canada to  have  very good health care and a very good standard of living.  Conditions in Chile are improving, but are not yet at the same level everywhere in the country as in Canada.   I would think it has a great deal to do with pre and post natal health care and nutrition for both mother and baby.  In Canada moms can access good care during pregnancy, and good care for both of them after the delivery.  Deliveries are probably also more closely monitored in Canada than in Chile.

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