
What is it about FREEDOM that some people just don't like?

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For the first time in the last 100 years we actually have a chance to elect a President who supports the US Constitution, in full. So what is it about freedom that makes so many want to be enslaved by even considering anyone other than Ron Paul?

I realize the main stream media is doing everything they can to silence Ron Paul's message of Freedom, but even when some people learn of Ron paul they still think someone like Hitlery Clinton means what she says when she claims to support Freedom. Her own words contradict her at almost ever other breath.

I don't get it. Why are people afraid to be free?




  1. Because people are afraid of change. They think that if the government changes it's ways, then somehow their lives will not be the same.

    The real problem is that people in our great country have been conditioned to be sheep, and follow wherever the mainstream media leads them. Mr. and Mrs. K-Fed, American Idol, and sports are what is important, not something as silly as elections that shape our future.


  2. most people do not fear freedom, they fear the other guys freedom

    that is one of the reasons the ultra-liberal media tries to silence Dr. Paul

    the more freedoms you have, the less control they have over you

    slaves cannot be free

    better grave than slave

  3. I think that if Ron Paul were elected, things would change, but not real fast.  I believe that it would be more of an attitude adjustment.  I think it would put Congress on notice that their days of "business as usual" were numbered, and they would examine their policies and make some changes.

    We are a country of consensus, and as such, there would have to be some agreement in the various branches of our government. If we elected Paul, the questions would be much different than they are now.  Instead of the question being,"how much should we raise taxes." it would be, "should we even have taxes." and if so, what should they fund?

    This kind of sweeping change is very scary to a lot of people, because it changes the rules, all at once and in a big way.

    I think it is necessary, because the alternative is to allow the present politicos to erode our freedoms a little at a time until we don't have any.  This has been going on for at least 50 years now, and if we are going to remain Americans, with "certain inalienable rights", then we have to do something.

    It's time to take back our country.

  4. ron paul is the man

  5. I just don't think this country is ready for Ron Paul.

    The way this country is grown into big business and the people for the most part are getting very bad deals.

    That's why people want Insurance through the Gov.

    People pay allot for insurance and think they have what they need. If they end up in the hospital for any reason, they then find out the insurance they had will not cover what they need.

    Big business's now makes it almost necessary for you to have an attorney all the time to go over any thing you sign.

    We needed a Ron Paul before everything got out of control here in the USA.

  6. Think about it Homer.....Freedom is not free.

  7. Is that you Ron?

  8. Ron Paul is only offering freedom from sanity.

  9. Most of the candiidates are not perfect. But Ron Paul is insane.

    He DOES NOT understand the founding fathers. He is Isolationist at best and would crack at the first attack on our soil.

    He also disgraces the military who have died by saying the military doing their jobs overseas are the cause of terrorism.


    I cannot wait until the primaries are done and I hopefully will never hear from Ron Paul again.

  10. People are afraid to make decisions for themselves. People who would vote for Clinton or Giuliani, are the type who FEAR other Americans!

    While one who would allow freedom KNOWS Americans are GOOD HONEST PEOPLE, those against freedom see Americans as something less.

    We all see how Ron Paul is attacked by people who cannot back up the attack. We also see how Ron Paul has the most support from our military, wins many straw polls, and most importantly respects the Constitution unlike any other candidate.

    The fear of freedom for those against Ron Paul, are scared of life, and the possibilities of choices and the requirement of personal responsibility.

  11. you definatly need to really get into each president hopeful. they're all the same if you know them. they feed people with all the good stuff now, but once in the white house they forget. I guess it's hard to remember what you're fighting for once you realize how powerful you've become. pay attention and try to vote outside the democrats or republicans!!

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