
What is it about Ireland and lebrikon you know the little magical guy with a strange hat :p

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What is it about Ireland and lebrikon you know the little magical guy with a strange hat :p




  1. Leprechauns date back to the old, old days where towns people got so bored, that they had to create fantasy creatures to liven up spirits. The Irish's (South, I think) national colour is Green and live up to that- proudly, hence the odd colour. As for the hat and suit, I'm guessing it was in fashion at that time. They also believed that at the end of every rainbow, there was a pot of gold, and if you were ever lucky to stumble across one, the leprechaun who's pot you found will grant you luck with the gold. Although, the luck can go either way (good or bad) because someone has to even out the peace.


  3. If you mean leprechauns, they are part of Irish folklore. A bit like gray aliens in the US.

  4. When Americans think of fairies, we generally get the “Tinkerbell” vision in our heads.  The Irish have multiple classes of “faerie”, and the Leprechaun is one of them.  They are mischievous, shoe-making elves.  The word itself means “half-bodied”.  They are said to be very rich, and if you capture one, then he must give you his gold.  They are supposed to represent good luck.

    There is another type of faerie called a far darrig (sounds like feared erik), which is, basically, the opposite of the leprechaun.  They like to pull vicious pranks and bring bad luck.

  5. The small magical guy is called a leprechaun..they believe that the leprechauns come fro ireland and bring luck to people..they have golden coins which grants you a wish if you had one

  6. Always after me lucky charms.

  7. I am Irish, and I've never heard a single leprechaun myth or story from any other living Irish person. Personally I think the English made 'em up as some juvenile way of mocking us!

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