
What is it about Mexico?

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That sucks so bad that millions of mexicans have to come here illegally?




  1. yep....mike b said it very well.

  2. Because Mexico has basically a two-tiered economic system, with only a small percentage of middle class people. You are either doing very well or very poorly. It definitely doesn't suck if you have money. Just ask those Mexicans with government jobs or who work for big companies. Just ask the American expatriate population living in Lake Chapala, Jalisco or San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. For them it is paradise.

    However, the majority of the people coming here see a vastly different picture. They are coming from rural areas in Mexico where 5 years of primary education is akin to a college degree in that area. Many people can barely read or write in Spanish!

    Now, the Mexican government doesn't have education and social programs like we do. Your family has to pay for everything. There are no rules keeping kids in school until they're 18. Many parents in the rural areas put their children to work at an early age. I know a nurse here who was working at age 11 in Mexico to help support the family.

    So, without any education, there are no VIABLE job opportunities. There are no GED programs and community colleges where people can get back into school and later back into college. There are no loans to help people get through tech schools. The people from the rural areas can forget working for their government or some big company that pays well.  Even then, most of the low-paid jobs go to those with some family connections.

    So, with no economic opportunities, you have to head north or starve.

  3. Well there aren't many jobs in Mexico, and the jobs that are available the pay is only a fraction what American's can earn.

  4. to many die from flying bullets i guess lmao... shoot them as they try to come over the border then they wont be here :)

  5. Maybe before you ask such a dumb question, look up the d**n information and learn something about Mexico.

    Mexico's government and the US government has made so illegal immigrants from Mexico would come to the US. Since you don't have grasp on how Mexico or the US works, I would understand why you would say that.

  6. Mike is right, the only thing he didn't said is that Mexico is a beatiful country even with the jobs problem.

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