
What is it about Soap Operas that makes them so appealing?

by Guest62991  |  earlier

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I'm talking about shows like All My Children, Days of our Lives, etc..

The acting is (more often than not) dreadful, and the storylines are ridiculously unrealistic. Don't even get me started on the music/scores.

No offense intended, I'd just like to know what Soap Opera fans like about them. Thank you




  1. I can only speak for myself.. It takes me away from my life and I can picture myself in Pine Valley (my favorite and only soap I watch: "All My Children"). I like to see the interaction between all the characters.. Just my take on it.. Good question. Here's a star for you!!

  2. I know.  I ask myself the same question every day while I'm watching Days of our Lives...

    It's one of those things that's so painfully stupid that you can't look away!  I actually call Days "Cheesy Show".  I think my kids think that's the actual name of the show!  The plots move so slow that in order to find out what's going on, you have to watch for a while.  Then the next thing you know, you're sucked in!  For me, it's a release in the middle of the day.  Something to watch while I eat lunch.  Nothing else is on.  It's a break from the realities of my life.  Plus, there are a few men on that show that I enjoy looking at!  :)

  3. All the Drama....

  4. I love the storylines and the drama...Its fun to watch like another lifestyle(even if ridiculous) thats very different from my own...I watch General Hospital and i absolutely love it..Ive been watchin it for about 5 years now...

  5. Well over here at daytime CBS, we are up on game with:

    The Men

    The Element Of Surprise


    Edge Of Your Seat moments

  6. It makes us forget whats going on in our lives we can't wait to see what goes on i have tried to go cold turkey but i always go back i watch AMC GH YR OLTL i have to record on 2 TV i know its nuts you cry over things that aren't real

  7. sounds crazy... but it's like u're following these characters from the time they're born, u see them grow up, fall in love, have kids and do other crazy stuff. it becomes a habit and u literally cannot go a day without watching your soaps.

    Also, another one of my own personal reasons is the myriad of hot guys..especially on

    I wouldn't say the acting is dreadful, most of these soap stars do go on to the big screen, broadway, etc.

  8. we sometime wish thay come trow a spesaly love

  9. I watch all my childern for the story line, and the cute guys, and live through them because sometimes you were them of just a little while because you wish you had the guts to do what they do and get the guy like they do.

  10. Just the fact that so much happens to these people on a daily bases and we know that real life isn't like that, makes it interesting and almost fantasy like, they come from small towns and every body sleeps with every body and every woman has a child with this guy or the other, such trash that it's entertaining.  

  11. Where else can you watch stories that go on for 30 or 40 years or longer? Watch characters develop over the years? Prime-time shows come and go. Summer has mostly reruns. But the soaps go on and on fresh every weekday!

  12. no offense taken,,,, I think I watch them more out of habit than interest anymore,,They have turned into story's that are so far-fetched that I cant believe that I myself continue to watch them . But I remember years ago when I started watching them that I think the reason was mostly because it made me  think that MAYBE my life wasn't as bad as I thought > lol,,,, Now I know my life is NOT as bad.

    The writers of the soaps I watch are crazy at times and as someone once said , they think they are writing them on the day of filming with out any thought of what's going on.

  13. The stories are often so far-fetched it makes us glad our lives are simpler.  

    I just want to know who cleans all that jewelry!


  14. It's like smoking.

    Once you start you just can't quit. :S

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