
What is it about Vampires that girls find so appealing?

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just curious. my gf keeps telling me she wishes i was one.




  1. I'm guessing your girlfriend has read the Twilight series. There's a vampire in the series named Edward. I guess he's suppost to be just BEAUTIFUL and he sparkles (yes, sparkles) in the sun. He's all mysterious and 's**y' and just....beautiful, like a god or something.

    I've read the series, and I find Edward really, really scary and weird.

  2. Wow that good to know

  3. I'm not really sure what draws me to Vampires, but I think it is the power of someone so mysterious to be in our world, it is the slightly frightening, and dangerous aspect of them that is thrilling and exciting for us girls...

  4. your creepy. well at least to me..but good luck with that.


  5. The danger. And the inhuman beauty.

  6. It's the fantasy of it.  Some women like the "who is this" appeal.  It's the someone they never have to see again, rocked their world, and will never forget type vibe.  It's the dominant man taking full power of the situation (this is a naturally embedded instinct in ALL men) and the woman feeling pure ecstasy from the situation.

  7. Making vampires in literature and movies used to support the attractive, s**y, suave vampires. They used to be refined nobles, which made it more shocking when it revealed they were a vampire.

    Surprisingly, most of the newer vampire mediums, with the exception of that awful Twilight series, are posing them as violent and bloodthirsty, even barbaric. Unusually, not many people watch the new movies or literature, or don't retain the image. They just remember the old vamps as being attractive and stylish creatures.

    I would tell your girlfriend to get a new image of vamps. And also clue her in that vamps aren't created, they're born. You can't turn into one. I hate the old stigmas.

  8. I don't think the same things would be preferred by all girls. Maybe it's just something your girlfriend is into.

    Perhaps she likes the thought of being very close to a mysterious, dangerous character.

    Not just girls, but some people are attracted to that sort of thing.

    Maybe it's as simple as her liking unusual things. Things that no one else has.

  9. Listen Mikex what these women and young ladies fall in love with is an image that came from a writters mind... Which does not come close to describing what a real vampire looks like... Now all vampires do have the power of illusion and therefore that demon can appear to its female victims like the man of her dreams... And she will die a most brutal death never knowing how badly she was decieved..... The real sad fact is that all to many people love An idea and they have not concept of the truth about that image in their mind....

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