
What is it about america?

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why out of all countries everybody want come to america? what is it they find so special?




  1. Hmm i dont know maybe freedom?  We saved the worlds a$$ from germany, n***s and the soviet union.  You can live the American Dream, you won't be persecuted, there is no gun control, you can start a new life, you can be educated, list goes on and on bud.

  2. i am pretty sure than not everyone wants to come to America , still many do simply because this is the best country in the world . plus there is a lot of places which make foreigners feel as if they were in their country , u know like China town , Little Italy , places like that . don't forget the job opportunities either which are plentiful for any kind of person despise the so called crisis which is being caused by the gas prices and the raise of prices of everything because of that . i think the most attracting thing of the USA it its freedom ,  which is  something not everyone has around the world .

  3. Opportunity and freedom.

    "O ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression... O! receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum for mankind."

                   -Thomas Paine in Common Sense

  4. The possibility of "so called" freedom

  5. Land of the free..home of the whopper.

  6. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.



    Dallas Cowboys

    San Francisco's GOlden Gate Bridge



    and on and on and on

  7. The American dream.

    p.s. Have you ever traveled outside of the country? If so, you wouldn't have to ask that question.

  8. 3000 miles ocean to ocean with some of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. The climate varies from snow peaked mountains to tropical beaches. You can spend your whole life traveling and never see it all.

  9. Mostly because it is so much  better than the countries they do nothing to make better.

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