
What is it about aspartame that is so bad?

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I keep hearing about how it's worse than sugar and stuff. And it keeps appearing in some food that I eat everyday (light yogurt, sugarless gum, etc.). How worried should I be?




  1. Yeah.

    I question that too.

    What I've heard is that it can cause cancer.

    Now, Im not sure if that is true or false.

    But yeah, it shows up in basically any diet foods. Which would be things like Coke Zero, Light Yogurt, Sugar-Free Gum; what you said. Things that I eat daily.  

  2. it a genetically produced chemical that is a toxin. the best sugar to use is a plant they call stevia. which is a polysacchride that is good for the body and does not raise your insulin levels.

  3. YES Worry!!

    The American Diaectic and Diabetic Association are all owned by Monsanto, the company who manufactures Aspartame... which was brought onto this continent by non other than Donald Rumsfield.

    when he was with Surreal Pharmasuticals.

    It causes MS and a Host of other issues. do the research..

    Stop drinking Diet anything or chewing gum it is all just to make Big pharma rich and you Extreamly Sick.. which in turn they will give you MORE of there companies products... see the Circle it creates of money...

    By the Way, "Just Visiting" Splenda, is Sucrolose which inturn is another from of Aspartame, so is, Manitol, Malitol, Sorbital, Asalphame-potassiam, ect

    How can anyone give a Thumbs down??? I think you have all been drinking too much Diet Coke and chewing too much Gum

  4. It's a chemical that can cause arthritis, but so can getting breast implants. You have to decide whether you want to look good fast, or look good by eating right. Moderate anything artificial, once in while won't hurt.

  5. It's only bad if you're a laboratory rat, or a phenylketonuric.

  6. It can ruin your metabolism by tricking your brain into thinking you're use to that much sugar hence you develop a craving for sweets. Also, aspartame is suspected of causing cancer if prolonged use occurs.

  7. Because it tricks you into thinking you're getting sugar, but your body knows it's not getting any, your body will crave even more sugar, and you will eat more of the "diet" foods. Aspartame also breaks down into acetone, leading to ketosis.

  8. It's not natural...just be mindful how much you're consuming it.  Everything in moderation.

  9. Studies have linked aspartame to diseases causing tumors, cancer, blindness, and severe side effects. If you google it, there will be a variety of websites that explain it. Some studies have shown that it's definitely bad for you while others say there's no true evidence linking it to any effects. I suggest avoiding it if you can until they have true evidence showing that it's bad or not.

  10. If you've been eating it without problems, don't worry.

    Some of us cannot consume the stuff. I get headaches from it, even if I didn't know I consumed it. Those who are carriers for PKU (phenylketonuria) are more affected than the general population. Those who have PKU should avoid it at all costs.

    On the other hand, I can consume Splenda (sucralose) and ace-K (acesulfame potassium) without issues.

    Aspartame is a combination of two amino acids (the building blocks of protein). Aspartame is the methyl ester of the dipeptide of the natural amino acids L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine. Under strongly acidic or alkaline conditions, aspartame may generate methanol by hydrolysis. Under more severe conditions, the peptide bonds are also hydrolyzed, resulting in the free amino acids.

  11. its artificial sugar dear,of course its bad because too much of such chemicals are bad for the liver

  12. Makes me wheeze. (a little)

  13. I will tell you what it is and you can decide.

    Aspartame is (this is Taber's definition) An artificial sweetener, synthesized from two amino acids, aspartic acid and phenylalanine

    Here's the part you want to know, if its bad for you.

    Phenyketonuria or PKU is an acid found in urine. or a recessive hereditary disease caused by the body's failure to oxidize and amino acid (phenylalanine to tyrosine, because of a defective enzyme.)

    In other words its not bad for you as long as you can synthesize (break up, utilize) this amino acid.  Babies at birth are usually tested for PKU because it causes brain damage causing servere mental retardation.

  14. they are saying that you could get cancer from it.. but basically they have been saying athta about sun.. water... and everything for years. I think that if you eat it in moderation it's ok. Just don't drink 4 diet sodas a day and put lots of equal or splenda or sweet n low in all your foods and drinks. ya know?

  15. For me, its the taste, I like sucralose (splenda) a lot better.

    They have been trying for years to get people to belive it can do all kinds of things to people, and now splenda too. Its just internet BS, by people who want to blame their problems on something and hopefully get a class action lawsuit going. Its safer than sugar is for me, that all I know.

    BTW Danielle H, I have done plenty of research on sucralose, and it has nothing to do with aspartame,

    There are plenty of independant tests assuring me that it IS safe. there are certain people that are going to poo-poo anything they dont like. You are a victim of your own paranoia, I believe.

    Like some of the people here are saying, Use moderation for anything you ingest. I have been using sucralose for awhile, And have had no problems with it. I could probably use aspartame too, I just dont like how it tastes.

    People who have diabetes are glad to have something that can add a little sweetness to their sugar-free lives, without blowing up their glucose count. Certain people are "allergic" to many kinds of foods, natural or not. Perhaps those with problems with aspartame or sucralose shouldn't use it, but for the general population, it is fine.

  16. Dont worry too much

    It tastes like what it is though, chemicals

  17. It is very bad for children and causes many health problems including addition.

    Aspartame and Cancer

    “The methanol in aspartame is metabolised into formaldehyde in the body—a powerful cancer-causing agent,” retired Food Scientist, Dr Woodrow Monte warned.

    Dr Monte, who lives between the United States and New Zealand, has researched the effects of aspartame for over thirty years.

    “It settles in the brain, breast and skin shortly after it is consumed... contributing greatly to the increased breast cancer and melanoma rates in New Zealand since we started consuming diet soda.    


    “In the developing child methanol is known to cause birth defects and I am of the impression that it has led to the large increase of autism in this country and other diet soda consuming countries throughout the world.”

    He said his biggest concern is that methanol may be the cause of multiple sclerosis. His research can be found on

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