
What is it about bacon butties and a mug of tea?

by Guest67019  |  earlier

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Just had one for my lunch and I havent enjoyed something to eat so much as I just did in a while.

Isnt it the ultimate comfort food?




  1. I would say no I hate tea.

  2. sausage and egg sandwich with a mug of coffee is even better

  3. How long before an American asks "What the **** are butties?"

    It's a sandwich guys, named because there's butter on it.

  4. Oh OH asked me last night around midnight if we had bacon,unfortunately for him but fortunately for me cuz i woulda ended up makin it haha

  5. Well, I don't enjoy tea, but what is a bacon buttie?

    EDIT -

    Now that Rebecca told me what they are, I wanna try them. Are they in the US?

  6. LOL at answer above :) A bacon buttie is  2 slices of bacon stuffed into a round bun of bread. Kind of like a burger bun but generally bigger and without seeds. Usually has ketchup or brown sauce slathered on it too.

    Yes those two are the perfect combo. Especially after having a night out on the tiles!

    Crispy bacon fat it the way to go : Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Oh I just noticed your Welsh to. So am I! Yay for the welshies!!

  7. Tea for sure... but I'm not to sure I want to eat a bacon buttie either.

  8. There's nothing like a bacon buttie. It's just wonderful.

    I have mine with coffee though as I don't drink tea.

  9. Hmmmm - sorry, I'm Vegetarian and am not feeling the Buttie Love!


    Tea is wicked though

    My fav comfort food is Tomato veggie soup with baps - yummy!

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