
What is it about flowers that excites , arouses , teases & pleases your senses......?

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What is it about flowers that excites , arouses , teases & pleases your senses......?




  1. I dunno you tell me!

    And whatever you're on, I want to take it as well.

    To answer your... ahem... question, only those chocolate "margueritte" flower that I buy at the store (rmr the ones you had on Easter?) excites me, arrouses me, teases not me but the pple around me who aren't having any and pleases me and my senses.

    Speaking of senses, I think the paint fumes have gotten into my head...I'm floating.

  2. Hey Global man, you are always so sensible in your answers, how come you are rising against Aussie too?

    He is only high with spring, you know... I could get like that too as I just love it! Each person has what moves them and speaks to their heart or drives them up the wall. For some it is a beautiful woman, for others maybe some types of food, music, poetry , whatever ...

    Aussie, flowers really touch me, the colors and forms that catch my eye, the fragrances that inebriate me (such as the jasmine under Global man's building), and how they make all the surroundings beautiful.

    I think that especially the act of getting flowers from someone really does all that you said to me as flowers are so special to me, it makes me feel special to them ...

  3. Ok...that's it!

    I think it's time we held an intervention on behalf of Aussie!

    Aussie, we all care for you very much..we have to get across your barriers, get straight to center of the problem...I'm contacting the Addiction Intervention Resources (AIR)...

    It's a national organization of professional intervention specialists, counselors and consultants that provide fast and effective crisis management services through a proven protocol of education, action and healing.

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