
What is it about my appearance that makes me off limits in relationships?

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My father is east african... ethiopian... somali and my mom is from north africa and looks middle eastern but with blonde hair. I came out looking light brown in complexion with light brown eyes and and light brown hair with blonde highlights. I am physically fit and hope i'm attractive. I get told i'm handsome often enough so to believe there is possibility i am attractive. and i have an accent. Most guys and girls treat me like i'm some other species. I have no clue what is going on I get hit on then get treated like a pet.




  1. That happens to me, too.

    Nobody finds me particularly attractive where I live, which is a town of mostly full Italian people.

    I am half Japanese half American, my father has German and French blood mostly.

    It could be your location, but don't worry too much. Eventually people will see your attractiveness and your uniqueness.

  2. If you're living in the US, it's not surprising, they treat exotic-looking (or accented) foreigners differently. Use it to your advantage. You'll have the pick of anyone you want!

  3. Where do you live? Maybe people hate you because of your race or something.

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