
What is it about paranormal studies you dont believe in?

by Guest57408  |  earlier

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  1. I believe in paranormal studies.I've done a bit of it myself.It's the ridiculous claims I don't believe in.Just read the answers on page 1 of Y/A.Who would believe that nonsense?It's a lot of boasting and never anything substantial.I'm all for studies.Telling ghost stories and making silly claims.Well,that has nothing to do with studies.

  2. I used to work in the casino business.  Three centuries of global failure to produce anyone capable of guessing 'red' or 'black' with sufficient accuracy to consistently beat a house edge of 1.2% on a classic single zero roulette game, is a powerful arguement against premonition.

    Especially since so many millions have spent so much time desperately trying to do so.

  3. What is there *to* believe in.  Lack of scientifically rigorous experiments, lack of repeatable results, and a parade of con artists and charletons out to make a quick buck by conning gullible people into believeing they can talk to loved ones or predict the future (so long as they have the money to pay for it).

    Any scientist that gets involved with such research risks being labelled a crank and/or spends 99% of their time debunking their own test subjects before they can even begin to find potential subjects to study (only to find out that that 1% are also con artists or nuts that think they are channeling a tentacle monster from the 5th planet of vagulon 6).  An astronomer doesn't have to figure out if the star they are looking at is really a star or just some piece of glitter someone stuck to the lens of their telescope hoping to make some money off it.

    "Keeping an open mind shows wisdom.  But never keep it so open that your brain falls out."

  4. Don't know, haven't found much yet. Tea leaf reading comes to mind but that is probably because I don't understand it. But I would be willing to learn..

    I am not one to limit myself to believe in only thus and such. Probably the single biggest reason why I have accomplished and experienced so much.

  5. U.F.O.s, lake monsters, Atlantis, Tarot cards, astrology, witches, past lives--a bunch. Ghosts, E.S.P. and spontaneous human combustion (SHC) are the only things paranormal I can get my mind around--Bigfoot as his 'foot' in the door of credibility.

  6. I don't disbelieve in the study of anything.  I say if there's something to study, then find out as much as you can about it.  It's the ineffectiveness of the studies so far that accounts for my disbelief in things like ghosts.

    So far the body of evidence for ghosts consists entirely of personal anecdotes.  The accumulation of personal, subjective accounts--regardless of the number--do not add up to one factual datum.

  7. I've studied the paranormal, and I believe in a lot of things.

    I've seen ( or at least belive that I've seen) a lot of things that have convined me of ghosts, spirits, demons, etcetera...

    But! Dowsing rods... are not at all real. Some paranormal researchers swear by them... I don't think those are fair/reliable at all.

    I think that an open mind, and a comprimise of spirituallity and science is needed. I don't belive the Skeptics who go out to dissprove so they feel better about their rational thinking intellece, I don't believe the Paranormal psychics who are haphazard with their methods and just get people to believe all kinds of things that may or may not be happening to them...

    I don't want to take up a bunch of space, but yea... thats a pretty open ended question.

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