
What is it about the characters in Romeo and Juliet that makes it so easy for young people to identify with?

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Can you give 2 references in the play that support your thoughts? Thanks!!




  1. I think it relates to real life tasks kids have to over come in real life.

    the end relates to tragedy in life, which many children go through

  2. With all due respect, surely you cannot be serious?

       The Principals ARE THE STORY, the essense, the notions and suggestions, even 500 years old.

  3. Weren't these two in their early teens, like 14 or 15, so wasn't it puppy love? And young teens understand puppy love and so identify easily with them, and also identify being young and doing something as drastic as Romeo and Juliet did just over what may have been an infatuation. Young people don't think that way, but feel that way, and the complexity of Romeo's and Juliet's emotions, written with a genius playwrite, expresses those puppy love emotions in a dramatic fashion.

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