
What is it about the water in Mexico that adversly affects so many people?

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Apparently it doesn't affect the Mexicans, so why does it affect us so badly?

Does the water anywhere else affect foreingers?




  1. The real reason is because they dump their holding tanks right out front of their hotels at night. 3rd world country. NO proper way of cleaning the water.


    this website shoud anser your problems

  3. Gringos and Mexicans alike drink bottled water. We don't get sick. There are other factors contributing to traveler's diarrhea, late nights, over drinking, street food. Have you heard of Delhi belly, every traveler to India gets that. I got deathly ill in Dijon, France, one of the gourmet capitols of Europe. It was worth it.

  4. Not all Mexican states have the money to get the best water systems. I am Mexican, and I can tell you, that I dont like the water in:

    *Mexico city, because they use a lot of chlorine...

    * The taste of the water in Acapulco is like fish.

    I lived in Monterrey many years and in Cuernavaca, and there I never have any problems with the water.

    I do not know if the water does not affect Mexican people, because I saw my aunt always buying Evian water bottles in Acapulco, maybe for this reason, many Mexican in the regions with bad water do not have problems...

    Additionally, I remember a school friend, who told me, that his grandmother prefered to boil the water , before she drank it, but when she drank water somewhere else, she had problems.  the doctor told her, that her body had developed just little "defenses", because she desinfected everything before, she eat or drink it...

  5. Actually, it does affect Mexicans too. I know Mexicans from Baja CA and Mexico City. They don't drink tap water.

    And it is not just Mexico that has water like this. I live in Maui, Hawaii and no one drinks tap water b/c it tastes like chlorine. I also lived in Southern Ca and the tap water tasted terrible too.

  6. The misconseption is that the water out of the faucet is for drinking. WRONG. its for dishes , showers , toilets. I dont know anybody stupid enough to drink it. It does not taste funny or even smell different its just common knowledge that its not treated and therfore not for drinking purposes. We buy our drinking water in 5 gallon jugs for 10pesos and that is the drinking water. Its just a common phrase that has been used and has gotten all distorted over time.

  7. The water everywhere affects foreigners. Mexicans get sick just as often when they visit the US. The problem is bacteria in the water. EVERYPLACE has bacteria, they are just different everywhere you go. I used to have problems when I would go to Lake Tahoe.

    Water in Mexico doesn't affect Mexicans because they are used to it. Water where you live, water doesn't affect you because you are used to it.

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