
What is it about these Aussies that makes them so s**y and funny?

by  |  earlier

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and yes, this is a serious question for the philosophy section:)




  1. you're just really into Paul Hogan.  No one can explain why.

  2. we are just so goddamn great :)

  3. I have some great Australians friends here,they are awesome people.

  4. I spent a bit of time with the Marines from Australia augmenting as their fuel guy at a coalition base.

    I have to admit, they were a lot of fun.  Very professional lot, even if they broke any rules they didn't care for.

    They had some pretty attractive ladies, too.

    I'd say that in general Aussies are just more confident, and ready to deal with anything... and for that they have my respect.  

  5. The fact that when you yell, "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!?", almost all of them would yell back, "Oy, Oy, Oy!"

    I don't know why.  Try it when you get there.

  6. Well, I know what you mean about the funny part -but I'm not so sure we're on the same page as far as who's s**y!

  7. On Philosophical grounds, I really DON'T KNOW!!!  lol

    On other grounds.... well, maybe they roll on the ground elegantly!!

    Or they kiss tenderly... or maybe it is that beard some of them have that make them irresistible. You, tell me!  

  8. they live life to the fullest

  9. I have just spent the last half an hour in front of the mirror trying to understand what makes me so funny & s**y, I don't think it is one single thing I can isolate. One thing sticks out as funny & stuff but best not to mention that here. Aren't bad *** criminals s**y, we do have a convict heritage. We enjoy a bloody good joke, work hard, party hard.

    Are you sure it is not a case of the grass being greener, European women are incredibly s**y & funny to me.

  10. The only Aussies I have seen are these Cricketers who tour India.  Their indomitable spirit makes them awesome...though not always that fair...of mouth...Yet,  they are Awesome...& some may say s**y & funny too.  (Though looking at Shane Warne NOW you'll have to redefine those words...Yet he's my favourite!).

  11. Youthful attitude

  12. Of corse yer mean me dont yer. Jest luky I gess.

  13. That would be the other Aussies you are talking about i guess  :o(

  14. they flush in the opposite direction

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