
What is it about your kids?

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That you love the most. Of course I love everything about them.

But my oldest (9) loves to laugh and has a wonderful sense of humor and she has the kind of laugh that you have to laugh when you hear it even if you dont know why she is laughing. Her teacher made up annuals for them (3rd grade) and a boy even wrote, I always liked your giggle.

And my youngest (7) sees something else in everything she looks at. I guess like an artist eye or something. It does not matter what she is looking at rocks, a pattern on wood or a couch she sees something in it. She also takes things and makes them into things you would never think of.

So what are the special things you love about your kids?




  1. My oldest finds something funny in every situation. She can make you laugh over anything.

    My son has the ability to be the sweetest child and at the same time flaunt all authority and make you want to question how he lived to age 9.

    My youngest has a stubborn streak and says the most ridiculous things. She also has a smile and personality that are easy for me to relate to.

  2. I think your need to write that was greater than my need to read it...

  3. Those are great attributes that your daughters have.  My daughter is only 19 months old, but she's already got some very intriguing character quirks.

    She's trying to figure out this whole talking thing and she does have a few words under her little belt now, but I've noticed that kids her age that aren't understood become frustrated and cry and whine more, so I always try to listen closely and understand as much of what she's trying to say as possible.

    She's very happy with me because she knows that I "get" her, so she will often climb up on the chair next to mine in my den and just start babbling, but it's a very intricate babble that makes perfect sense to her.  

    She uses hand motions, tilts her head and speaks with a really cute smile.  My wife and mother-in-law filmed her doing this a couple of times and it's so funny and cute to watch because you KNOW that whatever she's saying is some heavy stuff to her.     <")))><

  4. I don't have children (I'm 14) but I love my cousins and how they smile and laugh all the time. They are so cute. (3 month and 5 month old)

  5. i have lots of younger cousins and they are adorable

    my cousin anthony (3) loves sports and is very active, but he doesn't eat much. He also loves when people play with him, and he also still speaks that baby non-understandable language but he knows a lot of words in english and understands adults

    Isabella(almost 2) loves following other people and eats a lot but she still is a toddler so she still should be eating much.She loves playing and is starting to learn somewords and can understand adults.

  6. My oldest (4) loves to play mommy to her little sister and she always wants to help me out. She is definately very affectionate and loves to be coddled.

    My middle girl (2) loves to play and laugh (like your oldest) her giggle is addicting and everyone says her smile is just class.

    My triplets (12days) are just beautiful and I love to see them grow and get their own personalities.

  7. I love the way he squirms when I'm smothering him with a pillo- Love, love is what I said... Yeah, love...

  8. I'm always shocked that I got so lucky with my kids. they have bursting personalities. My oldest is a perfectionist- she always well-mannered, polite and eager to get out in the world and get active. I LOVE that about her.

    My youngest is hilarious. The things that come out of her mouth have us all laughing to tears.

    The thing I love about them both is that they do extremely well in school. They make straight A's and the teachers rave about how well-behaved they are. I love that they put forth so much effort in school.

    They also are both Diva's and love girly things. If you walked in my house at any time you would most likely see them giving each other makeovers or having *dance offs.* LOL

  9. my daughters laugh's contagious !!

  10. Things I love about my son is how very open he is with me about things, and his immagination that doesn't stop. I miss him dearly...he is away for the summer to see family back in our hometown.

  11. Well even though my boyfriend son is not really mine, he kind of is, but he is 6 and he just comes up with these bizarre questions that you wouldn't think that a 6 year old would come up with.  He also makes comments that are so amusing.  He talks like he is 15 and it is so amusing.  

    I have a 3 month old and she is just so funny.  She looks at you out of the corner of her eye like she is trying to hide the fact that she is looking at you.  She also raises her eyebrows when she smiles just waiting for you to smile or laugh at her.

  12. My daughters ability to care her heart is huge! and she is sooo funny! thats it! I am goin to go hug her! lol

  13. My oldest son is 6. Want I love about him. His kisses. His hugs. And tells me how much he loves me and even tell me he misses me. Right after school he say I miss you. His silly at times.

    My youngest is 4. Want I love about him. He a good cuddle little boy. His smiles. How he loves to help me out in anyway he can. How well that he play himself doesn't need to ask me want he can play with or when he gets bored.

    I like to see when both of them hug each other give each other hugs everyday.

  14. Wow those answers stink. My baby is not born yet and tho I love when she kicks me, I can not really respond. But I wanted to let you know how beautiful your question was. Congrats on those kids.

  15. h

  16. I have 3 kids.  25, 13, and 11.  25 year old daughter has always been very smart and independent. 13 year old son loves his mom so much (me!) 11 year old daughter wants to grow up and work for FBI and put the bad people away.

  17. sporty

  18. 10-year-old son: Loves to laugh, loves to entertain, and has a good sense of humor... All-around, easy-going guy. :)

    9-year-old daughter: Very smart, intuitive, creative, a leader. :)

    16-month-old daughter: Sweet, cuddly, curious, loves music. :)

    Baby girl in utero: No idea, yet. :)

  19. eh. im 16, but i have little cousins. one is 3 and the way he laughs and walks is funny.

  20. Toni (15) is just an amazing girl. I love watching her grow and still continue to learn new things. At the beginning of the day  we always go in opposite directions, but every night she will come in my room get on my bed and just say that she loves me and has no clue what she would do with out me. She will tell me anything. Really we have grown up with each other, I had her when i was 16 and i wasn't a very mature 16 year old. Though I have three younger daughters, she knows she will always be mommy's little princess.

    Kate(2) is just so innocent. I can just tell that she will be the one that never wants to grow up. She has taught me that it's really okay to play in the dirt and just have fun. She has given me a new outlook on life. I love her laugh, its just so little and perfect.

    Laila(12months) I love watching her try to figure different things out like how she is trying to walk right now. I love watching her pick things up and stare at them like she is analyzing it. i also love how after a long day of adventures she will crawl over to me, crawl into my lap and just fall asleep.

    Baby Girl #4 I love when she kicks and seeing her little face on the ultrasound.

  21. Well, I don't have any kids (yet), but I do have a nephew and a niece! The Elder (Niece - 8) would always call me "Uncle Duckie" whenever she sees me after some time, then run from whatever she's doing to give me a hug!

    The Younger (Nephew - 4) would basically follow suit, but has a different approach. He would rather walk up and give me a nice loving hug!


  22. my sons laugh, especially when he laughs to the point where he cant breath. cracks me up.

    that he is always happy. his smile. the way he tries to teach me things in his way. his long random conversations. The fact that he teases me about giving away all his kisses to his dad. i love everything about him..well except for the normal 4 year old spoiled tantrums..but even then...  :)

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