
What is it called when 2 organisms live together in an ecosystem and share a close relationship?ex.tick on dog

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What is it called when 2 organisms live together in an ecosystem and share a close relationship?ex.tick on dog




  1. that relationship is called parasitism. the tick is the parasite to the dog

  2. You are thinking of symbiosis/symbiotic. Incidentally, to the other answers (except the first, who had it right as well), symbiosis is not universally defined as being "mutually beneficial" to both parties; in fact, parasitism fits under symbiosis according to many. For example:

    "The definition of symbiosis is in flux and the term has been applied to a wide range of biological interactions. The symbiotic relationship may be categorized as being mutualistic, parasitic, or commensal in nature. Others define it more narrowly, as only those relationships from which both organisms benefit, in which case it would be synonymous with mutualism."

    from Wikipedia

  3. symbiotic

  4. In your example, the answer is parasite. A tick is a parasite on the dog and only the tick benefits. Symbiosis is when both benefit.

  5. Biotic relationship is the term used to describe relationships between organisms in an ecosystem. Such relationships may be competitive, predatory and symbiotic.

    Competition for resources can happen within a species or between two species.

    Prey predator relationship helps maintain balance in population of the species in the ecosystem.

    Symbiosis is relationship between dissimilar organisms. When one organism causes harm to its host while taking its nutrition from the host, the relationship is parasitic. Commensalism is when the host is neither harmed nor benefited. Mutualism is when both the organisms benefit.

  6. It would not be symbiosis.  Symbiosis benefits both organisms.  The dog does not benefit from having the tick.  Perhaps your example is wrong.  You are describing a parasitic relationship.

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