
What is it called when one party controls all three branches of the federal government?

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What is it called when one party controls all three branches of the federal government?




  1. The 3 branches of the federal government would be the executive, the judiciary, and the legislative.  This is made up of the president, congress, and the supreme court.  One party has never been in control of all three branches because they include a lot of people, like state governments, district courts, etc.  At the very top it would be considered like an oligarchy, where very few people would dominate the power involved.  If I understood incorrectly, and you meant the presidency, along with both houses of the U.S. congress, the term oligarchy would be more applicable.

  2. green party?

  3. America today.

  4. STS1SS has given a good answer, but the Dems will not have control over the Supreme Court and the Judiciary for long.  It's going to change.  And btw America's finest hour is yet to come. Yes.  Believe it!

    I Cr 13;8a

  5. a dominant-party system

  6. First, the question illustrates a couple of really sad points.

    1. that anyone would think a party COULD control the Judiciary.

    2. that the Democrats actually HAVE controlled the Judiciary.

    Finally, the answer: the end of the US

  7. Separation of powers, but it only a problem when Republicans control the House, Senate, and Presidency.

  8. CFR

  9. Good question. An oligarchy?

  10. That already happened last decade.  The Rebuplicans controlled the White House, Congress, and had a conservative majority on the supreme court.

    What's it called?   Worthless.

    And I'm a Republican.  They did nothing.  They had no guts, now effectiveness, no ethics, and no value.

  11. Democracy.

    It is still a democracy in the US ...  isn't it?

  12. A trifecta.

  13. Tyranny

  14. BIG TROUBLE!  The Executive and the Legislative branch's are a Hat Trick but is always a probable outcome under the right circumstances. The Judiciary is always a Wild Card. Because Federal Judges are appointed for life its extremely difficult to control them. Once they are in they have what I call the F.U. Factor. Also these Justices are usually extremely concerned about their reputations as well as well policed by the rest of the Legal Community generally gives them pause before they rule in some completely off the wall way.

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