
What is it called when people like patrick from eastenders slap their fingers together?

by Guest63517  |  earlier

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What is it called when people like patrick from eastenders slap their fingers together?




  1. i can't recall what patrick does when he slaps his fingers together?  can you describe it a little more, and then maybe i'll remember and can help?  i love eastenders though!

  2. If it's what I think you're talking about, I call it the "Pinkie Tuscadero" from "Happy Days".  She use to do this all the time.  She would snap fingers on the top hand and then the other, and the top hand would hit on top of the bottom hand.

  3. I have no idea who you're talking about, but do you mean they are snapping their fingers?  If so, it's just called snapping your fingers.

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