
What is it called when somone driving a motorcycle jumps off the bike onto the road?

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and he's still driving the motorcycle /?? like what you see in biker boys??




  1. probably getting axed or really bad whip lash.

  2. a crash? lol

  3. Ecs - that is the quick way to ruin a good pair of boots! And as a female with an embarrassingly large selection of footware to choose from I can olnly suggest that you don't try this in new boots (unless you slap some blakey's on the bottom so you get sparks off them too!)

    I dunno if it has a cool name - it looks like it should be called barefooting (like when you do it waterskiing) or skitching (like skateboarding and grabbing a tow - sort of) but either way - it looks like it could be painfull!! I sorta spend more time trying to stay on them slippery mothers (bikes) so stunting is beyond me, and if the man who is delivering my chinese take out could ride as fast as them "biker boys" I would have spared you this slightly drunken and patronising drivel, sorry love, hope this helped anywa

  4. Death, Road Rash, Broken Bones,

  5. suicide

  6. From the way you describe it I would say that it is called stupid.  Or at least really, really, dumb.

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