
What is it called when the first letter of a paragraph (like the 'o' in once upon a time) is in a fancy box?

by Guest65543  |  earlier

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like the big 's' in this picture:




  1. I think your first answer is right.  A versal is when the capital is fairly plain in itself but is in a decorated box, and an illuminated capital is decorated inside itself as well, and it does not necessarily have to be in a box.

  2. It's called a versal.

  3. An Illuminated Letter,

    It originated in the Middle Ages when Books were considered an art, Monks would copy books BY HAND and it was just another way to appeal to the reader

  4. Illuminated Capital Letters

    lluminating means "adding light". In the world of calligraphy, to illuminate means to decorate or adorn lettering by the use of colours and symbolic figures such as flowers, animals and people. The tradition goes back nearly a thousand years.

    Examples at the website below.

  5. I believe Microsoft refer to it as "Drop Caps"... 1 min, brb, 'pediaing...

    Thass odd. I can't find anything.

    I think I'd call it a dropped capital.

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