
What is it called when you eat only dairy products and seafood but no other meats?

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  2. lacto-pescatarian

  3. A selective omnivore.   Vegetarians do eat seafood.  Somebody coined the term pescetarian.  Most people don't know what that is and it's certainly not "a vegetarian that eats fish"

  4. Omnivore.

    Vegetarians do not consume animals.

    Fish are animals.

    Vegetarians do not eat fish.

  5. I think its Vegatarian

  6. you are a lacto-vegetarian unless you eat eggs, then you are a lacto-ovo-vegetarian

  7. You are.......


    an omnivore.

    If you eat the flesh of any animal you are not a vegetarian. Fish feel pain and suffer just like all animals with a central nervous system. Vegetarians eat no animal flesh of any kind! Yes, some do eat eggs and dairy. That is a personal choice. Hope that helps.

  8. Vegetarian. They can eat dairy and fish, technically. It's vegans that eschew all animal products.

  9. Pesco-lacto vegetarian, but it's a joke because fish is a form of dead flesh:(

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