
What is it called when you use food as alternative medicine? Is it called Naturopathy? Holistic Nutrition?

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When I look up the definitions of these topics, there seems to be a more vast array of methods besides 'nutrition' or use of 'foods'. I'm trying to write a research paper on nutrition as an alternative therapy and would like to be correct as possible with the terminology. This is also something I would like to persue as a career and I am having a hard time finding programs that fit into this category...sort of like being a nutritionist...but dealing with using supplements, colonics, etc. aswell to cure ailments and propel a person to optimum health. Can anyone help me out here?




  1. I've seen it referred to as a Healing Diet, such as macrobiotics.

  2. I've heard many people referring to this field as Phyto-chemistry or even phyto-medicine, although I'm not sure that's a real career field yet. Probably being a holistic or intergrative health practitioner is what you'd be looking for.

    Try checking out these two organizations for more info:

    Association for Integrative Health Care Practitioners ( and American Integrative Medical Association (

    Good luck in your career!

  3. There are many names that can cover what you're referring to. Holistic Nutrition would probably be one of the closest terms, but Naturalpath, Homeopath, Osteopath, D.O., Nutritionist, Chiropractor and many others would be various titles and positions that could recommend food for healing.

    A Nutritionist degree would be a good start, and you could specialize with natural practices or Osteopathy (among other things) to get a career working with that. In any case, I wish you luck in your search!

  4. maintainers of homestasis.  

           I don't know what food means.  I have been taught food means what it means.  Where did that word come from or why that word has been used to describe that activity is obscure and I am not intended to find out what it is.  The fact is that there are three types of  intakes, Sattvik, Rajovik and Tamasik.  A balance of these intakes cater to the three gunas in the human beings which makes the body efficient for materialistic activities.  A predominently Sattvik creates a brain which is predominently Alpha waves, which is prone to meditation, calmness, tranquility, saintliness, moral heights and like.  Rajovik contains Rajo Gun which is more or less aggressive and fighting characteristic,  and Tamsik is the lazyness, ignorant and all vices attached to it.  A balances combination brings out homeostasis, a harmonius evolution with every organ and cells functioning the way it is designed to function.

  5. Ayruveda belives that fiood is the best medicine and what we eat and how we eat it is very important to our health.

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