
What is it called when you wipe out a student record at college? Kind of like bankruptcy except only its not!

by Guest59244  |  earlier

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What is is called when you completely wipe out a students record.. for example, I went to college back in 2003 and I took about 5 classes but did horribly in all of them, since returning they offered to do this for me so I could start completely over... except I forget the "legal" name for doing this. Thanks.




  1. You were right.  You are speaking of "academic bankruptcy".  Different schools have varying policies.  Here is one school's policy for example:  

    "Academic bankruptcy allows an undergraduate to continue work toward a college degree without being severely burdened by a term with a high proportion of low or failing grades.

    Academic bankruptcy means that all credits and all grades for a given term are excluded from the computation of a student’s grade point average, and the hours earned during the term will not be counted toward graduation. For this policy, the entire summer is considered one term.  A student may apply to the college dean for academic bankruptcy after the completion of a subsequent term of satisfactory performance. The granting of academic bankruptcy may occur only once in a student’s academic career ...and is irrevocable."

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