
What is it going to take for us as a country to start a revolution and take back our country...?

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from these crooked politicians on both sides and the big businesses that fund them?




  1. you will never get rid of big business's influence.  sorry.

    they are the real movers and shakers of this country.  who do you think supports immigration, legal and otherwise?

    and unless we migrate towards a socialist style of government, that will always be the case.

  2. It's called a Ballot!

  3. I'm not sure, but it certainly got the attention of "the folks" when both sides tried to ram that ridiculous immigration bill down our throats!

    What is really needed for a revolution is a viable third party. Unfortunately, the word "viable" doesn't apply to any third party that I've seen so far. Here's hoping!

  4. everyone check none of the above if the candidates running for a particular office are not indicating that they are seriously going to address some of America's real and serious problems with the infrastructure of our country.

    I think the 12 billion a month that is being spent on the war could definately be used to make some major improvements in our own country!  I also wonder who are the beneficicaries of the 12 billion a month.  Follow the money.  I think  politicians on both sides have a vested interest in citizens remaining apathetic about this countries problems.  They keep trying to distract us with the war and "terrorists".  Some of the scariest terrorists to me are members of our own government.

  5. I wonder that too sometimes.  You see other countries governments get overthrown by force when 70% (or even fewer) don't agree with the leader. . .and here we're just putting our heads down and letting the liars (dems and repubs) get away with it!

  6. When they come to take my gun.

  7. If you have a good idea run for office.  Anything is better than what we have in government on both sides right now.

  8. One of the best ways to change government is to be a part of it.  Be active in your local/state government and your party of choice.  

    And of course use the most efficient tool, VOTE.

  9. Time

  10. Repealing the 2nd Amendment. It's the only thing I can think of that would really p**s off 80 million Americans with guns. Other than that, Americans are too fat and lazy to care about their current and growing enslavement by socialism.

  11. It will take a new reality TV show called:

    "The Revolution"

    where revolutionaries are selected from a studio audience and they must be able to overthrow various governments beginning at the local level, in order to win.

    Get some popcorn, this should be fun!

  12. A very visible and important individual will be needed to rally the people. They would have to follow the US constitution's outline for overthrowing the government. But the big business will still be a problem for what ever government takes over. We as a world are centering ourselves around a global economy.

  13. If you think our government is crooked you should visit any country in Central America, Asia, South America, Middle East or Africa and you would learn the true meaning of corruption.

    You only have a revolution when you have more to lose by holding the status quo then by over throwing it. So long as the country remains among the most prosperous in the world there will not be a revolution.

  14. A miracle!

    First you would have to get rid of the "political machine" that runs the country.  These rich," out of touch with the average person", people decide who you can vote for, and then, because of their money can tell the politicians what laws to pass or not.

    Geo Bush accepted millions of dollars from big oil companies in exchange for not passing pollution laws that would cost oil companies some profit.   And from sugar companies in exchange for not passing a law to make food healthier.  Two of many things that are not good for the people, but I guess they were good enough for the accountants.

  15. I've been asking myself that same question for quite awhile now. One good thing is we still have our guns. Now a gun will usually scare the ever-loving h**l out of a true jack@ss. If you EVER find a group that wants to do that very thing, please let me know - and I am serious about this! The people who make the laws do so because they think the people are asleep at the wheel. Not me jack!

  16. Are you a member of Al-Qeada by any chance? BRAINLESS to say the least.

    No no thank you MOB RULE has never appealed to me, seriously, get some help.

  17. HAHAHA one guy said "every time we vote"

    I must have missed the race where the average joe got one up on the wealthy crooked politician!

    I agree with the guy who said "when they come to take my gun"

    But it's not going to happen, first you would have to dispose of all the crackheads and drug addicts, which isn't going to happen as long as they are being fed drugs by the tons, that our government allows to slip through the borders.

    Then you would have to convince all the drones that work for local and state law enforcement that the federal government is corrupt (not going to happen)

    And even then, half the troops would turn on the public at a single command because they usually don't know what they are fighting for or even if there is a solid reason for their actions.  Know anyone who's in the service, it's KILL KILL KILL!!!

    So, if you got past all that, you would be left with a bunch of whimpering senators that don't know how to survive without 20 mexicans and a starbucks.

    Besides, if people really tried to reverse the direction this country is going in (which is written into the constitution to do so) the government would probably just jump the gun and pretend we were all indians.  Yea that would make it easy for them, they sure did enjoy killing indians, in the name of democracy of course!  

    How can you ever have peace without killing the opponent?

  18. Not too long ago I wouldn't even have acknowledged this question - until Prez Bush turned his back on his electorate and the Constitution and tried to force the Immigration bill through.

    Thank GOD for all the people who contacted their reps and raised holy h**l - THAT made a difference, and the bill was soundly trounced.  

    Unfortunately most politicians are no longer as concerned with the good of the nation, they're more interested in keeping their job than doing it.

    But overrunning the gov. with militia?  I don't think we're quiiiite at that point ... yet.

  19. Yeah, like you and the rest have the stones to start something.  I'll take a pass till you can show me something.

  20. 1st tell me how cival service or political positions you held to better your country. most people i hear ***** and moan on here have only done just that. step up or shut up

  21. Every time we have an election.

  22. Well, first we have to take the country back from the commies and other authoritarians.  All we need to do to heel big business is to stop being influenced by their lobbies. Politicos just love the money and power. They are so entrenched that it would require nuclear energy to separate them from the money and power.  

    Actually, all we need is an educated and concerned electorate that would choose an honest person in the primaries.  Its happened a few times but is still rare. Between professional sports, TV and a corrupt public school system, we'll never see that electorate.

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