
What is it in Lamictal that prevents mood swings in bipolar patients? ?

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I am looking for alternative methods for treatment. Once I start going off of Lamictal I will try to replace it with something more natural. I'm just not sure what exactly is in Lamictal that is preventing mood swings. Any help??




  1. Don't go off the Lamictal. No one know exactly how it works but it is the best thing for bipolar since lithium with out the side effects. Thinking we don't need our meds is habitual with bipolars, I've been there and done that over and over and over....... Tried the omegas, tried St John's Wort, tried yoga and meditation.... I always thought "I can do this without the drugs". I always fall on my face and end up back on the drugs. Always! Do not stop taking your Lamictal.

  2. My best advice is to find a holistic doctor that specializes in psychiatry. They're harder to find, but they are out there! Often times, they are D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine). They can present you with some alternatives. Just from personal experience, these docs tend to listen a little more and be a little more open to working with you on your treatment (which is vital to the success of your treatment)!Unfortunately, with many psych and neuro meds, the exact mechanism of action is not completely known. So, we sorta don't know why some meds do what they do...they just do!

    It's always best to go off of your meds under the supervision of a doctor (they can see differences you may not and they can taper you off of the meds)!!!

    Info about what a D.O. is:

  3. Lamictal is an anticonvulsant (Seizure Medication) that is used as a mood stabilizer.  Depakote is another example of a mood stabilizer that is also an anticonvulsant.  Hopefully you are working with your doctor to taper off the lamictal.  You can get sick if you go off it too fast or if you go off "cold turkey".  There is not a natural treatment that is effective for bipolar disorder.

  4. Sorry i don't know,

    If you are going to do this make sure you consult your psychiatrist, i would not recommend coming off your meds straight away you will have to be weened off them to prevent a potential relapse.

  5. Good question.  No one knows.  

    What is even more interesting is that it works for Bipolar 2 but NOT for Bipolar 1.  The above person was wrong.  Obviously it is working on some brain chemical such as dopamine or serotonin that is helping to regulate the moods.

    Just think, Lithium has been used for over 30 years and we still don't know how that works....

  6. I'm on lamictal too, but the person you should be asking is your doctor. Ask them if they know any herbal supplimants you can take to keep your mood stablized, odds are, the herbal suppliments will NOT have the same affect as any of the medication you've been put on, so consider just trying a lower dose of the lamictal? Good luck.

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