
What is it in tap water that makes plants grow faster?

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What is it in tap water that makes plants grow faster?




  1. Tap water usually contains a higher proportion of calcium, magnesium and chloride ions. These ions are all needed by the plant to build vital structure.

    Magnesium helps in chlorophyll build-up

    Calcium is used to the framework (matrix) of cells

    Chloride helps in osmotic balance

    Therefore, by providing more of these ions, tap water might help speed up plant growth! Not by much though!

  2. generally it contains a lot of minerals and chenicals(acting like disinfectants) which helps plants to grow faster.........

  3. Faster than what?  Distilled water?  Distilled water, by the process of distillation, has all the minerals removed.  Tap water still has naturally occuring elements that will help the plant grow.

    Tap water is also made safe for human consumption, so it won't have harmful elements that would inhibit plant growth - acids, bases, heavy metals, etc.

    ADDITION:  I guess you meant bottled water:;...  Not all bottled water is the same.  Some of it is distilled water, some is tapwater that's put in a fancy bottle and resold, and then there's the "Natural Spring Water".  Truth be told, there are such differences in bottled water, some may be better than tap water, others, worse.

    But the same can be said of tap water - this varies with geography, and it may be better or worse than a particular brand of bottled water.

    You'd have to take this on a case-by-case basis based on the mineral content of the waters involved.

  4. steroids.

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