
What is it like as a female health care specialist in the army? what is your perspective of it?

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i'm 18 and really wanting to go army and become a health care specialist but before i make a huge decision i want another female soldier's input.

thanks for your time!




  1. It completely depends on the jobs you're assigned and where you get stationed.  You may find yourself in Iraq working trauma, or you might find yourself cleaning up after women stateside after they have their babies.  The jobs are really varied; you really need to have a clear idea of what you want to do with your career and keep asking for assignments that will enhance you on that path.  Some people really like it, and others hate it.  It's all personal preference and who you end up serving with.  Your coworkers can make all the difference in whether you like it or hate it.  Like anything, the most important thing is your attitude.  If you can maintain a positive one even when you're in a difficult situation, you will fare better than most.

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