
What is it like asking a question for the sake of asking one, especially when you don't have a real question?

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I felt often that i too must ask a question, but in fact I did not have a real question for which I needed an answer. How does one experience the pressure to ask a question when one does not have a real question?




  1. Any question you ask will undermine you in front of others, so avoid it.

  2. I think your experience of asking your question when there was no real question to ask has in fact answered your question.

    Just in case you happen to be bored, go to YouTube and watch the Landlord with Will Ferrell in it.  

  3. I've always had a question to ask. I have a notebook with pages full of questions and I don't want to ask them, because I will loose points!

  4. i find its just with people you don't know well enough to be comfortable with the occasional silence.

  5. it's just that the people who ask too many questions are bored with their lives and dont have anything else to do so they ask questions and then sit and wait for others to answer!!

  6. Try asking a nonsensical question. I only do this rarely but find it somehow liberating.

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