
What is it like being a Aerospace Maintenance in the Air Force..?

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Does anyone know..




  1. I was AGE for four years. It was a relatively easy job. I spent time in Afghanistan and never left the base. If you want a safe job, any aerospace related maintenance field is a good choice, but if you are high speed and need excitement then look for something else. Like I said, after four years I was too bored with it.

  2. I was an AGE mechanic. It was very leisurely. But that was back in peace time.

  3. My husband works Aerospace Maintenance.  He's a Crew CHief for the MC-130P.  It is NOT laid back.  It is NOT easy.  He works 12 hours a day (when he's here) and is deployed 6 months out of the year. Not to mention all the TDY's.  It is alot of course work.  ALOT.  If you don't pass your CDC's they will retrain you into a different AFSC.

    This is his 8th deployment is 4 years.  He's been almost killed several times in Mortar attacks.  He's had more close calls than I care to remember.  No one in Iraq is "safe".   Of course, my husband is Special Operations and that is totally different from the run of the mill AGE.  He is never bored. He's already been offered an extremely high paying job with a major company which he declined to re-enlist because he LOVES his job.  

    He's currently deployed to Iraq working with the Army doing patrols which he volunteered for!

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