
What is it like being a Muslim today? ?

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What is it like being a Muslim today? ?




  1. Bismillah Ar Rahman Nir Rahim..

    Honestly, I love being a Muslim. Even though, yes it can be "embarrassing" because the 'terrorist' are claiming to commit evil in the name of Islam. Terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. I love being a muslim woman. And even that can be trying because people who know nothing about Islam, assume that we are oppressed. When in reality, my husband treats me like a queen, respects me, takes care of me to the best of his ability and is proud to have me by his side as his wife. I love declaring that none has the right to be worshiped, except Allah. I love declaring that Muhammad was his messenger. I love living my life according to the Quran and Sunnah with the correct understanding of the Salafi Salilah. I love being a muslim woman, wife and mother. I hope that answers your question. *smile*

  2. I disagree morey000.

    It's great being a muslim. You can think what ever you want but I don't find you right. You can only understand what what's like being when you know the story of islam.

  3. in north america,. its tough, not enough halal mcdonalds. too many temptations. culture clash, its hard.  

  4. fun .. yeah right  

  5. Somewhat embarrassing.

    Kind of like being an american.

  6. the same as yesterday.  

  7. I find it some kinda hatefull..I hate arabS..I am iranian!!

    I don't know why but I prefer not to think of this because I feel confused who is right

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