
What is it like being a single mom and how do you fill about it?

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okay ho does it fill to be a single mom?

Do you regret having the baby or geting pregnant at that age?

who takes care of the baby financial wise ? and who took care of ur kid since day 1 all the way up to there current age.

okay only serious answer and no story's and be honest no bs just wannaknow how hard it is.




  1. I don't regret my son at all but I do wish I could have had him after my financial situation was more secure. His father has been absent since day one so all of the responsibility is on me- financially and otherwise. I've never recieved a dime of child support and have gone out maybe 5 times since I had him while his father is out partying his life away- he has no clue what he's missing. My son is 5 now and it's not easy being a single mom. There's no way to describe for you how hard it is- let's just say it's harder than you think. But I couldn't imagine my life without him and wouldn't change anything if I could. Well, besides my finances but I'm starting school this fall so I can work on that lol. Once I've got my money in order I imagine things will be a lot easier. Most of my married friends say their husbands aren't much help anyway lol.

  2. Well I was a single mom from my first sons birth till he was 3 and It was hard but doable.

    I was riase by a single mother so had some insite.

    I would not take back having my son for anything, I was 17 when I gave birth to him.

    I always took care of him money wise, I went to school and worked 1 full time and 1 part time job for most of it. My family and friends helped watch him while I was working or in school. And now..I am in a great relationship, he has helped me raise my son, and we are pregnant with boy#2, we work opposite shifts, so one of us is with the boy at all times, when he is not in school.

    Being a single mother is hard don't get me wrong but so many people just give up and let others do the welfare- I know some need that extra help and thats fine but just sitting at home is poor parenting. You have to be strong for your child and show them hard work is worth it.

  3. its very hard to be honest.every decision and all the taking care of and bills are left on you.not easy at all.but very worth it at the end of the day when you know your child was taken care of right.

  4. It feels wonderful.  Very liberating.

    I do NOT regret having my son.  NEVER.  And I got pregnant at 28, so no, I don't regret 'getting pregnant at that age'.

    I take care of my son financially.  My son's father was ordered to pay support but I haven't seen a dime.  And I've taken care of my son since day 1.

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