
What is it like being brought up in a culture that believes in reincarnation? ?

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what is it like to be a child who believes in reincarnation?

if you are raised in a buddhist or hindu etc...




  1. My parents are hindu, but i've grown up to be agnostic, i don't think there is such a thing as a physical soul, i see it as something more psychological.

    I don't believe in reincarnation, if we are supposed to be reincarnations of animals/plants/people then the balance of all living things must be consistent but its not, its always changing

  2. It really makes sense out of a lot of things in this life--like why people are so different--different background, experiences, etc....It also gives tremendous hope for the future...There can always be more...You have chances to learn, grow--and correct your mistakes....

  3. I was not brought up in that particular culture but I see no difference between  it and any other culture in the sense that once you reach your majority then you should start thinking for yourself  and decide what is right for you.

  4. i asked about this and many christians posted quotes from the holy bible that proves reincarnation is real

  5. im not but i would just like to say i dont have a problem with it until....

    someone writes a book on it... kills all the main characters so only the sister is left.... then the main MAIN character gets reincarnated - which would be ok but shes reincarnated as a blummin' seagull!!!! Then the seagull is shot down by the sister


  6. I firmly believe that reincarnation is fact but I was not raised that way.

    A child who knows that our purpose for this life is to educate our souls will likely seek education and knowledge.

  7. I don't know, but I believe in reincarnation.

    Deist American with a B.A. in Anthropology (Archaeology)

  8. Well, two thing sort of stand out as different from the emphasis of families that believe that you live one on this earth and then for eternity in "heaven."

    First, there's a lot more emphasis on environment and conservation and solving local and global social issues, because we expect to be back and have to live with what we do today.

    Secondly, I think there's a lot of focus on learning and joy of this life.  In my faith (which is Wicca, by the way), I believe we are born to learn all there is to learn about the human experience, and that each lifetime is about learning certain lessons, facing certain obstacles, and experiencing some new things.  So I don't look forward to the end of my life as a finish line, but rather just the mid-term report.  

    I don't fear death, but I love life, and I especially love this life.  So I try to get as much out of it as I can, and to enjoy each minute of it.

    Nice question.

  9. Geez, I wouldn't know because I am an atheist.

  10. I would believe it'd be the same feeling as being brought up in a world where your own type of species can kill you, seeing as how that is one way how one's body is laid to death. I personally don't want a rebirth when I die, what's the point, if I was born once why can't I stay born...without the baby bottling of course. However, when it comes to actual people who contribute to the belief, Buddha was chinese and the Chinese have tons of reincarnation beliefs outside of even Confucius. However Buddhism is primarily superior as Confucius was more or less one for house safety and respect. I would think being brought up in such a belief would be for a peaceful state of mind, I mean what is more peaceful than supposedly living again even when you die? I personally however believe the memory is stronger and really think that's what it is more or less based upon.

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