
What is it like being raped by a paranormal ghost?

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What is it like being raped by a paranormal ghost?




  1. Out of this world?

  2. I have a friend who was raped by a ghost. It was a poltergeist, and boy was it a screamer.

  3. It is pretty scary and horrifing. I have been through the experience before.

    However, I will point out, that the experience is not supernatural, and it is brought on by stress and/or irregular sleeping patterns (such as naps)

    It is not a dream, but a very vivid hallucination that occurs as you are slipping between the state of conciousness and sleep. It is usually refered to as Sleep Paralysis.

    This phenomenon can take many form, but the most common is a menacing figure sitting on or standing over the person, while they are frozen from the neck down.

    Sometimes they can hallucinate movement of limbs.

    It is near impossible for someone who does not know what is going on to distiguish that this is just a bout of sleep paralysis, and they would be inclined to believe that the incident actully happened.

    If you look up succubus and incubis (demons who rape humans) incidents online, you will find many of these pages focuses not on demonology, but sleep paralysis.

  4. Fun and fulfilling experience. A feeling of being top of the world. Same as having s*x with aliens.

  5. "Paranormal ghost?"  As opposed to a normal ghost?

    It's not uncommon for people to have s*x dreams, and it's not uncommon for women to have rape dreams. That's all it is.

  6. Have you seen the movie called Entity with Barbara Hershey? It was partially based on a true story of a woman who was beaten and raped more than once by a ghost--an entity.

  7. As she enveloped my body ( or the part of it that I most felt she needed to envelop for her success in raping me ) I felt extreme delight. I can't really give ALL the details because if censorship issues.

  8. It's the best feeling ever! The o****m lasts a full five minutes. Plus, no STDs or pregnancies! What can be better? I'd definitely have s*x with a ghost than another man any day!

  9. From what I understand, it is like feeling somthing-if you are a man-riding up and down, but not feeling anything except a sticky and sometimes smelly substance that is next to impossible to wash off.

    If you are a woman-well, I am not too sure, but if it is anything like the movie "Entity", then I suppose it would be painful.

  10. As you read the answers on this site concerning Paranormal Entities it's more than obvious that Superstition and "old wives tales" are indeed still very much alive and well. Ghosts do not rape and poltergiests cannot rape. In over 30 yrs. of investigating the Paranormal I have Never met anyone who has been raped by a Paranormal Entity. I have never met anyone who has met anyone who has been raped by an Entity. The only beings who have the reputation of having s*x with living humans are the Incubus, a male Entity who Seduces! female humans, and a Succubus, a female Entity who Seduces! male humans. Never! have either beings been known to force s*x on a human subject, it's always done by Seduction...! I've only met one man who openly admitted to being seduced by a succubus. In his case after getting over the initial shock of the event, he found himself not only becomming comfortable with, but eventually welcoming the Succubus' nightly visits. He states that the "s*x act" was not the same as with a living female in that, no matter the excitement, he could not achieve a climax the normal way, but rather had to "finish it himself". I sincerely believed the client when he related the story to me then and I believe him now. Most men would be far from willing to admit the circumstances as he told them to me. So, it's up in the air as far as I'm concerned. The question remains un-answered.          --Rod

  11. (1) ghost couldn't unless they were polterguiest

    (2) why do u wanna know

    (3) think of an old dead guy raping you than ask again

  12. don't know, haven't had the opportunity yet.

    I wouldn't even get to slap him .... --my hands would go right thru 'em!! [what if he wasn't cute??!?]

  13. Casper would never do such a thing!

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