
What is it like having a son compared with having a daughter?

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Not too far into the future, I'm more talking babies and toddlers. I am having a son in December, and we already have a daughter, I am looking forward to experiencing a little boy and for some reason I am expecting him to be calmer and more easy going than my daughter, I think because my friends boys are usually less noisy and demanding than the girls. So how do they compare?




  1. I am the proud mother of 7 children. 5 girls and 2 boys.  My son is six and had been the only boy having 5 sisters for 6 years.  Now he has a new 4 month old brother.  Girls play quiet can color for hours, play tea party, barbies, dressup.  Girls also argue loudly, yell, demand, and cry.  Boys, well my 6 year old is very sweet, the 1st to ask how I am feeling, if I am sick (besides my husband) wants to help with chores.  The best listener, and he obeys 1st. (most of the time)  He is also very rowdy when my husband gets home he want to wrestle, play ball, run, jump, hit things with sward including the girls doll house and such.  He is a clown and gets bored the quickest.  He is always making things crash and he loves to build things out of sticks and anything outside.  They are very different.  They are so much fun to just sit back and watch with all thier different personalities.  We love it.Congratulations to you and God Bless.

  2. Hi, I have 3 sons. I have an 18yr old and identical twins that are 8, I have to say that it doesn't sound like there is much difference in the girls and boys aspect.My boys have always been gregarious, loud, difficult, and a total tornado of destruction in my house. I have aways wanted a girl but with 8 miscarrieges under my belt I give up. So maybe your bundle of joy will be quiet, I hope so for your sanity...but as far as a difference, I don't see one.

  3. My 4yr old son is calm and laid back and my 2yr old daughter is a maniac lol but its funny cause in the womb they were just the son hardly ever moved...I actually thought he died in the womb and rushed to the hospital cause he never my daughter on the other hand never stopped moving and kicked the c**p out of me!  

  4. I don't know , but I think that boys are alot more noisy.  

  5. All babies are different.  My daughter is 5 and my son is 1.  I love having one of each because they are so different.  My little man is so laid back and mellow.  But I know that not all boys are. He also loves to eat, whereas I could hardly get my daughter to eat anything.  My daughter was also a really good little baby, but she was such a girly girl (and still is).  My daughter is more like me, and my son is more like his Daddy.

  6. well my brother when he was a kid apparently he was supper noisy and lazy(he didn't start walking till he was like 2 or soemtihign) and everyday when he went to kindergarden he cried

    i on the other hand was a sweet little baby and according to my mom i rarely cried and i would say that even now i am way more mellow like my brotehr if he is stressed he will just feak out  and me i go through htings way more calmly

    but ya it really depends ont he kid

  7. My son is very easy going.  My niece is high maintenance.

  8. I think it really depends on the child's temperament.  Some say girls are easier, and others say boys are.  Little girls can be sweet or sassy, and little boys can be well behaved or holy terrors.  There's not too much difference when they're babies.  It's when they get older and develop a personality that you notice the difference.  A lot depends on the parents also, whether they are easygoing and let the kids take over the house, or if they are strict, and make the kids behave.  Enjoy your little boy for who he is.  I have two grandsons and they are awesome!  So is their sister.  

  9. My nephew was a very calm, easy going baby. He was simply the sweetest thing and rarely cried. Now that he's 4 it is a completely different story. He is crazy loud, very crazy and all boy! It's fantastic but I miss the calm little boy. : )  My niece is the opposite. She's needy, cries (often for no reason), is loud and demanding. I'm hoping she'll grow into a calmer girl as she's older. She loves being outside and is very content sitting out in her swing and loves looking at animals and touching their fur. I think when she's older she'll be the type of girl who sits outside and just takes in everything.

    My mom has even said in the past that my brother (first born) was a very good baby and a troublesome boy whereas my sister was a demanding baby and a very easygoing child. My other sister was always the quiet one (and still is) where I was always very hyper and outdoorsy, running around, but could sit and play quietly with my barbies or legos or read for hours by myself.

  10. It really depends on the individual.  When they're babies, they haven't yet been socialized to be one way or another and before puberty, there isn't much different biologically.  Even after puberty, most of the difference is socialized.... that being said... that's all theory and I don't actually know what reality is, but good luck (o:  Oh, and the part about it depending on the individual, is NOT theory... that part is reality.

  11. I am a mother of 4. Two boys and two girls. boy 15, boy 14, girl 13, girl 5. First let me say that no two children are the same. My oldest son was very mellow. I would say he was a "momma's boy". His grades are the best, mostly C's and B's but he is a good boy. Hes involved in ROTC and will do anything I ask him to do. My second well he is a spaz. every thing he touches just some how breaks. His grades suck and if he doesn't get suspended this year I'll be happy. My oldest daughter just hit puberty and well I'm hoping puberty hit her back. She was a "daddy's girl" until she hit 12 1/2 then she became the drama queen and now its all about boys. She is driving me crazy with worry. She is still an honor student but has NO common sense. My youngest daughter.... well she is only 5 and just started Kindergarten. So far she is the brightest when it comes to catching on to the joke. She is definitely the biggest smart ***. I think she has more common sense then the others but remember she has had the benefit of the older siblings influence.

    The boys I have always feared them getting physically hurt while the girls I fear getting emotionally hurt.

    The boys I tell them to grow up and the girls I tell them no to grow up so fast.

    The boys need their buddys and freedom more but the girls need STUFF..... always lots more stuff.

  12. I don't think that babies personalities have much to do with gender...they are all just different people.  I had always heard that boys were "easier" too, but my experience with my son as a newborn was that he was VERY clingy and wanted to be held constantly and it was very difficult to get him to go to sleep and it took months and months before he would sleep in his own crib.  My daughter on the other hand (btw she is older) was very independent even in infancy and was content to sit in her little seat most of the time and would fall asleep on her own right from the start.  

    All babies are different, they are individuals.

  13. I have 2 boys and my third is a girl. My boys are definitely more mellow. and do not need the attention my daughter does. She's only 5 months and screams when she wants attention.  

  14. It all depends on the kid's personality. For example my cousin Alex is 8 now and he's very mature and easy to play games with but he was a spoiled little pain in the *** when he was two and three. Now my cousin Derek is 7 and he is the biggest pain in the *** I know, he's extremely irritating and has started stealing things and starts fires but when he was little I babysat him all the time and he was the coolest little kid. I love them both, they're family but at certain points in their lives they both drove me nuts. Now my girls (3 and 2) are bossy little princesses. They can be sweet and gentle but they both have attitudes and are natural born smart asses. Jenna's got a mouth that gets her into trouble and Brianna's got a violent temper, according my mom I was all of those things and my brother was easy but then again my mom always did favor my brother.  

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