
What is it like in Florida???

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I have never been to America though when I'm 18 I want to travel their with my best friend (girl).

If you live in either New york or Florida tell me is it exicting?




  1. If you want stuff to do, go to the bigger cities like Orlando and Tampa...because where i live can be very boring.

  2. I live in Florida and it sucks...if it wasn't for my wife, I would live anywhere else.  Property taxes are ins. is three times anywhere in the US.  But they brag about not having state income tax.

  3. i dont live in either but ive been there and they are both fasinating places to be im from boston and its great there very historical place and if you to cape cod in the summer its beautiful ive been very close to the kennedy compound a few times but if try to go too close to it you will probably be tackled by 25 police lol

  4. florida is fun im 46 and i live here most of my life i was born here i lived in texas for 7 years the rest of the time i lived here ,south is a little crowded but have some of the best beaches in the us travel to the middle of florida there is tampa/st.pete. bush gardens, more beaches then on to orlando diseny, universal studios, ,daytona race track,beaches,sea world, kennedy space center , i sent you a link to look at that will help you find what it is you like the most and all was remember some like it here and some dont just as it is where you live good luck always from florida

  5. Well,well.... your awfully adventurous, and curious... i was born in NYC... (Brooklyn) to be exact... The summers are really hot, the winters are really cold... Theres lots of stuff to do in NYC, but you'll only have the most fun if your rich... If your planning a trip to NYC, try Coney Island, it's a little expensive, but you've gotta try it... Theres rockafeller center for the winter time... And you cant go to NY without seeing a yankees or Giants game...

    I also live in Miami, many americans don't appreciate miami, mostly because it have been overun by latin flair... Miami is exciting, regardless... Florida all together is a great place to go if you seek adventure in the outdoors... From the Florida Gators, to surfing miami beach... Theres just no place better to find adventure than in Florida... I'll admit; after you do the parks in tampa or Orlando, it does tend to get a little boring... But excitement is just the Begining in Florida...  anyway hope this helps cya gotta go...

  6. What part of Florida?

    Southern Florida (from West Palm Beach south to Key West) is overcrowded, overpriced, overdeveloped and over-rated -- especially South Beach. Most of the people are RUDE and downright mean.

    I grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, and learned to loathe and despise it.

    The panhandle is different -- the Florida panhandle is more like the states that border on it -- Alabama and Georgia. It's still over-developed, but the people are nicer.

    If you like touristy places, you'll LOVE Florida (I DON'T love touristy places BECAUSE of Florida, so there ya go.)

  7. What do you consider exciting?  Florida has a lot to offer a visitor.  Nature, fishing, sunshine and a lot more.  

    Yes, it is crowded, high priced and full of old people but if you are vacationing there is stuff you'll find enjoyable.

    If you are looking for bars, parties or other stimuli then you find it.  But you can Find that anywhere.  Check out the state parks and you may find a spot that interests you.

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