
What is it like living in a children's group home in the U.S.?

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I can only imagine the bigger kids beating up the other ones, stealing their stuff, and never having any privacy.

Also I wouldn't trust the adults to not be pervs and have lots of molestations going on.

Why don't the orphans run away and live with their friends?




  1. I have had first hand exspirence of living in a group home and some of the things that go on in there are a shame.You would think being in the custody of the goverment you would have clean clothes and have a decent meal to eat.But children in these group homes are being abused

  2. Group homes in the US are not as bad as some people think.  I was in group homes from age 11-18.  I never had a problem with the bigger kids beating up the other ones.  My sister was with me for awhile and she was pretty small.  The stealing of stuff is not an issue because everything you own has your initals put on it in permanent ink which means that if anyone takes your stuff you will get it back.  The privacy thing sometimes can be a problem but that is only if you show that you are a risk to yourself or anyone else.  The adults who work in group homes have to go through so many different background checks that it is not even funny.  Also the adults who work in group homes have to have at leas a BA or BS in psychology to even be able to apply.  I do not know why people think that all orphans should run away many times living in the group homes they have a lot more then they would anywhere else.  Part of the reason that orphans do not run away and live with their friends is because the consequences are really not that great.  The chance of even making it off the property and being gone for 24 hours is not good.  The group homes would have the police looking for them they would also have all of their family and friends contacted and they would be told that the child ran.  If any of them are found with the child then there is just so much stuff that it is not even worth trying.

  3. horrible world for the unwanted kids out there.....if only people would have just had an abortion instead of abandoning their unwanted kids to have someone else take care of them

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