
What is it like taking speed???

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the drug

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  1. expensive. Don't you know there's a credit crunch on?

  2. Big highs but the lows are not worth. I wonder how many other peole will admit to thier ill gotten youth.

  3. it makes you all twitchy and hyper and you cant sit still you have to move constantly etc

    like drinking 30 red bulls lol

  4. i got spiked with speed when i went out drinkin one night, its wicked at first i felt very giddy and hyperactive but then i couldnt sleep and got very cranky

  5.   I don't know personally because i don't use drugs, thank the Lord!

    But i have heard it makes the user very hurried, and they find themselves racing around doing things all fast and crazy. My advice don't be curious about drugs, you are to beautiful of a person.


  6. You can't sleep, you get the 'jitters", your hands shake uncontrollably, you get really paranoid, your heart races 90 mph..  Been there done that.  It's not good!

  7. I took some when I was 18 and it didn't provide me with a "high" as such, it just kept me up all night.  It was fun as a one time thing, but I like my sleep too much to want to keep doing that.

  8. Ask Frank!!!!

  9. After a 6 day trip these are the words i got from my mate: It feels like my body is about to break in two pieces. (Not eating for 6full days, already very skinny guy.) Seen people chocking until they pass out and turn blue in their face nearly dying after taking to much.  

    Speed is dirty and **** you up badly, its very addictive, dangerous and easy drug to take as it's out of your body in just a few days unlike other drugs making it even easier to try it "again" etc.

    Effects? Speed d**k, time pass faster than anything, you can't sleep, you can't make yourself eat, you can sit for hours doing like 1 thing not even noticing (Playing with a bottle, playing some c**p game, watching a movie without noticing yourself before its over) and ofc loads of imaginary energy that you don't really have as you mostly don't eat at all. If you take a liner when you are tipsy you will be sober in 15sec (in your head).  

  10. it will feel good for a few hours, but you will feel c**p for about 2 days afterwards. you'll also look lke c**p, and won't be able to get to sleep for ages.

    it really isn't worth it

  11. well it depends..

    on what kind your taking..

    but from honest personal experience..

    if its like..meth or ice

    while you first (smoke) it

    your talkative your lips and mouth cant quit moving..if your not talkin your chewing gum or biting on your cheeks(scarring of the inside of your mouth will happen)

    trying to find something to do..even if theres nothing to do.. youll pick something up and do...something..

    to keep yourself entertained..

    ive watched shows hours on i normally would refuse to watch and see no interest in..

    the s*x is pretty d**n amazing..

    but then when you start to come down..your tired..your snap on everyone around you for no reason.. you dont want to be around anyone..

    your pissy..

    your vision starts to get warped.. your mouth hurts..your teeth fee like reaching for the remote is goin to kill.

    your muscles hurt..your ussually really dehydrated cuz you stay so busy you forgot to drink anything.. so you feel hot and sweaty..

    then you think you need more so you do more..and for about 15 minutes you feel better and replenished but then you start coming down again..and thats what causes addiction..

    you think you need more to feel better..then you do more and it makes you feel worse so you need more..the more you do..the faster your heart beats, and it feels like your chest is goin to burst and you get scared,, and if you get really scared you start crying cuz you think your dying from having too much,,then you start freaking out cuz you cant go to the hospital. then you start having muscle contractions from having so much and getting so worked up...

    its very svery scary..and horrifying if you take too much.

    then you realize youve been up for seven days straight with as much fluid intake as should have been ingested for only about 3 days.

    you dont eat so you start dropping weight..but not just the fat..all your muscles go..

    so in the end.. you wind up tired. dehydrated.pale skin weak body bloody cheeks dry cracked chapped lips..circles and dark bags under your eyes..

    you sweat alot so your hair feels dirty and greasy even if you shower.


    its not worth it..

    please dont try it,,.

    im 20 yr old female andi started doin it when i was 14..and i thought it was ok in the beginning cuz i thought i wouldnt get hooked on it..

    but you cant just do it a few times and not do anymore..

    if you have a freind that has access to it..that would give it to you..

    my best advice is leave those ppl alone and dont talk to them anymore.

    they will eventually turn into really bad ppl.

    and i imagine you are a teenager who has never tried anything before.. so please dont..

    it messes your whole life up..

    it messes your health up..

    if your pretty youll be ugly before you know it on speed.

    im not playing around with this..

    speed,coke and crack are some of the worse drugs you could ever try..

    please stay away from it..

    if your gonna do anything smoke some cant really hurt you

    but polease dont ever try any kind of drugs like that..

    your life will be ruined..

    and youll lose freinds for the drama the drugs cause..

    i hope i helped you out..

    and i hope you never try it..


    oh and i forgot the hallucinations..the wiggy monsters..the cloned dogs running around in your neighborhood of your dog.. the man in the bushes.

    the guy in the front seat of your car smashing your mirror that you stare out the window at for 45 minutes until you finally open the door and throw a rock at the car.

    (yea.. personal hallucinations from back in the day)

  12. maybe like drinking a bunch of red bulls

  13. Its like you have electricity in your body for a while and then you come down......Hard.

    The long term negatives FAR outweigh the benefits of being high for a while. Speed often leads to psychosis which is VERY dangerous 'cause it makes your mind not perceive reality properly.

    Plus its highly addictive, both physically and psychologically.

  14. + you can drink booze non stop and doesnt seem to effect you.

    + you can stay up longer and have more energy.

    + you chat loads.

    + time goes quicker.

    - you chat too much.

    - you cant sleep when you want to

    - half your p***s vanishes

    - you comedown and you feel like c**p.

  15. You feel great and energetic and feel you can do anything then BOOM... depressed, sluggish, tired and more ran down than ever.
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