
What is it like to attend school online?

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I want to get an associates degree, I want to know if it's easier and quicker to do it online ?what does an online class consits of? Does the student just read the work and then email whatever they need to email? And is it possible to doit in a year? Thank for your help!!!!




  1. Usually they are similarly structured to regular courses. Some colleges, especially over the summer have accelerated courses (that way it is faster to get a degree).  Let say you signed up for psychology intro. You will receive an e-mail from your college when your course will start, instructions how to login to blackboard (that is where you communicate with other students, with your teacher, that is where you receive instructions, do quizzes, or group work). So you login to your psych. course. Usually there are a few discussion board topic going on each week and you suppose to answer them based on your studies (you have a textbook you have to read), you can see others people comments also, you can answer the question, you can comment your classmates notes, and of course your teacher can read all of your answers. Usually it is required to give a certain length answer (200 words at least). You might be asked to write a paper, you might be asked to do group work with others with the help of this blackboard, discussion board, you can paste your part of the project. You might need to take quizzes and tests (timed). You can use your book but since you have only 10 20-30 etc. min for test you really need to be familiar with the subject. I like on-line courses because they are less stressful then the regular ones and you still learn a lot. You can login anytime, do your assignment any time of the day and of course no commute.

    tudents agree that self scheduling and anytime anywhere access to course material are key advantages to online classes. However, online courses require frequent login, almost daily. Online discussions, assignments, materials, and announcements move along at a rapid rate. Most students find that online courses require a high level of personal organization and self discipline. In addition, most students find that online courses are at least as time consuming, perhaps even a bit more, than in-class courses.

    Online courses are exactly the same as their in-class counterparts except for the method of delivery. Classes do not "meet" as such, although instructors schedule online sessions as needed. Our online courses are designed to meet the same accreditation standards as in-class courses.

    On this website you can sample an online course and see how it goes. You can also find a lots of other sample sites. Make sure you are taking your online courses at an accredited college.

    Usually colleges limit the number of courses you can take during a semester, some colleges limit to 5 courses/semester. It takes 128 credits to get a bachelor degree, so you do the math how fast can you do college, the requirement may vary from college to colle. Boston University requires 128 credits, 4 credits each course.

    Associate Degree Requirements

    To receive an Associate Degree, students must successfully complete the following requirements:

    1. A 2.00 cumulative grade point average

    2. A minimum of 60 credits (some majors require more than 60 credits)

    Good luck.

  2. You will find many negative comments and criticisms of Capella University, a for-profit on-line school, on the Capella Facts web site -

  3. May be this site can help you

  4. I have been enrolled in one online class in my lifetime, and I'll tell you that I dropped it within the first 2 weeks.  The reason I dropped it was because I don't have the discipline to do the reading and outside work required to make an online course successful. So if you can be a realist about your level of discipline (or last-minute skills), then you will know whether you have what it takes to make yourself do what the instructors require of you.

    As far as completing an associate's in a year, I don't know. True discipline can move mountains. I just lack it. LoL

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