
What is it like to be a Religion teacher in a Catholic High School?

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Please, no rude answers (I am 17)!




  1. I would think it'd be a lot like being any other teacher, only your subject matter is religion.  The Bible tells us that we are all responsible to God for our actions, but if one wants to be called a teacher (of Scripture and doctrine), it means that person will be judged (by God and by people) by a higher standard because they know more about God, and knowing more should mean that we're closer to Him, living in His way.

    If you are considering this as a career path, I commend you!

  2. well i think its like being any other teacher

    but you talk about religion

    and try to encourage students to follow in Jesus' footsteps and do the right thing

    and try not to always care about material posessions because God doesnt look at that in the end

  3. I'm not a teacher...but I have been taught religion at an Episcopalian school.

    We'll respect our teachers to a certain extent, for they are our teachers. However, a good majority of kids at my school aren't religious so we don't take the class seriously. We're also very sarcastic when it comes to answering religious questions. However, I myself find learning about other religions fascinating, and as long as you present the material in an interesting and tolerant way you should have no problems.

    If that's the career path you choose, props and good luck.

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